Jan 14, 2006 10:31
my puppy turned out to have cancer and not a slipped disc, and they gave her a week to live, and my parents are going out of town tomorrow for 2 weeks, so we put her to sleep this morning. my mom just called to tell me that she went really peacefully and that all the staff at the vet cried because they all love her because she was just that cool. i'm really sad and have been crying for 3 days and all that stuff because she was the best and i miss her like crazy, but i don't worry about her- if a dog has ever been the reincarnation of buddha, she was totally it, and i'm sure she's enjoying meeting the universe in a new way and bouncing around in it as a new kind of being (or non-being, or whatever). if she was just a normal dog i would just be really sad and miss her, but after getting over her insane puppy stage (the neighborhood kids used to call her "devildog" and "fang") she got totally zen and buddha-like and started laying out on the grass at night and looking at the moon for hours at a time and being really vibey all the time and getting all chilled out whenever we put on krishna das. so instead of just being sad about her not being around to be really unbelievably cute all the time and to remind me to be a buddhist, i'm also kind of happy that that energy got released somewhere in some intangible form and is still around to make the world a little bit better.