Aug 21, 2007 10:31
Men... the two I'm talking about will hate this... their stupidity posted on the net *evil grin*
We three (my guy, his best buddy and moi) were sitting in a bar and a woman came in, a redhead... fake as fake can be but a really cool color ;)
And the two idiots started to wonder out loud if that haircolor could be natural... what the hell have I got on my head? (I'm redish blond and you can clearly see it's natural.)
I told them no, mother nature can't make those colors... did they listen? NO!
So after I got pissed off, really really pissed off I went over to the woman and asked her nicely if the haircolor was natural.
She looked a litte strange at me and the two idiots looked like they couldn't believe what I was doing *evil grin*
She told me no the color was fake and said I shouldn't dye my 'golden hair' (heh yeah she said golden hair *glances at own hair*) and I told here about those idiots who looked really stunned.
So I asked her to come with me and when we sat down my lovely two idiots didn't say a word... to stunned to say anything (I'm usually shy and don't just talk to strangers but they really made me crazy.)
We had a good time after and it turned out that she is a hairdresser... and that the two idiots are... still idiots ;)