Letters to yourself: report from May, 1988

May 17, 2008 19:22

To myself at age 33:
    I have a lot of questions for you. Am I married, divorced, etc? Do I have children? Do I live in California? Am I happy? What do I do?
    A less personal question I'm interested in is the state of the world. Right now I guess it's pretty bad. Drugs, AIDS, poverty, war, etc. But people can be happy even with all this going on around them. I'm not personally involved with anything I mentioned. I am happy most of the time. Right now I guess major news issues are: Israel, who does it belong to; the war against drugs, how's it going; AIDS, is there a cure (I hope there is when you read this); Central America, Nicuragua is having a sort of revolution, should we send aid; and a big one, is there too much violence in South Korea, Saul, specifically, for the 1988 Summer Olympics to be held.
    Well, more personally, everyone is pretty excited because school lets out one week from today. I'm going to have an exciting summer, as you might remember. First there's the Grand Recognition ceremony at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Then Mom and I'll go to CA for three weeks, about, then I go to Duke again for my summer course there - World of the Ancient Greeks.
    Even closer to the present in about 2 hrs I've got to dissect a frog. Wednesday the Master Works classes, me included, of course, went to NASA, at Johnson Space Center, and tomorrow, Saturday, I attend a wedding.
    Well, I want to read for a bit so, Good-bye.

Yours sincerely,
age 13

p.s. the stuff on the other side of the front page is vocabulary words for our human reproduction unit in science. Very embarrassing.

me, and i, myself

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