The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police

Dec 30, 2011 18:32

Прошу всіх по мірі можливості поширювати цей англомовний переклад статті про Віталія Запорожця, розміщувати його на ресурсах, де про ситуацію у Семиполках можуть прочитати західні читачі.

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Comments 9

The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police pingback_bot December 30 2011, 17:50:50 UTC
User esenin_sergei referenced to your post from The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police saying: [...] Оригинал взят у в The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police [...]


The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police pingback_bot December 30 2011, 17:51:37 UTC
User gellir_hvass referenced to your post from The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police saying: [...] Originally posted by at The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police [...]


The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police pingback_bot December 30 2011, 17:55:08 UTC
User nato_tak referenced to your post from The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police saying: [...] Originally posted by at The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police [...]


The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police pingback_bot December 30 2011, 19:02:34 UTC
User mclom referenced to your post from The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police saying: [...] Originally posted by at The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police [...]


The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police pingback_bot December 30 2011, 19:15:13 UTC
User switluy_spogad referenced to your post from The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police saying: [...] Originally posted by at The Murder in Semypolky: the peasant solidarity faces that of the police [...]


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