So I guess I now have to limit what I write in my own journal or make certain entries friends only. Where is someone supposed to rant about annoying people, places, and things if they can't even do it in their own journal that none of their "real friends" even read and only a select few even know about?
It's just so damn flattering to have a stalker. I think I'll forget all about how nutty they are to track down my livejournal and just beg them to hang out with me. Just wow. I had even forgotten about all the crazy shit that was done that I wrote about in here but damn. For someone to be so damn psycho that they needed to read my journal, I didn't want to have anyone be let down. If I had more time to waste, I'd go through and highlight all of the entries that talk about how fuckin' nutty you are.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but would you really want to give out the web link to my journal (* save this to ur favorites to stalk me anytime you'd like! ) to "your friends" so they could go there and just read all the crazy shit you did??? Not saying you're a dumb cunt, all I'm saying is how is one supposed to believe that you're really over your ex boyfriend when you have to stalk down his current girlfriends livejournal and read all the rants she has about all the crazy stuff you've done? Wouldn't you not care about her opinion of you if you really didn't care about the guy? Or for even that matter, wouldn't you of stopped with the drama a long time ago if you 'hated' your ex as much as you claimed?
Anyways, just to make sure EVERYONE from county mart is in on EVERYTHING that's going on, here's your letter to me. (*fyi:great grammar and punctuation)
someone just linked me to your lj and i'd like to make a few things clear:
i've never had anybody call spike to see what's going on i haven't had any kind of contact with him since that day you called me
i do not go to his mom's or sister's unless they call me and ask me to come over hello we went out for almost two years i built relationships with his family and i love his mom like she's my own whether i like spike or not
also i bet he didn't tell you that when he cheated on ashely he told me that he had only been on a date with a girl and it wasn't serious and that he wanted to get back together with me and when i found out that he had a gf i was upset and i told him if he had a heart he would of told her about it i'm not the heartless psycho you think i am i would never have intentionally caused problems in any relationship and i am not after your boyfriend so could you please stop writing about me it's causing problems in my relationship when the person that i care for very much thinks i still want spike back when nothing could be further from the truth i just want to move on with my life with as little drama as possible which is why i called him to make peace in the first place
and my response: (*i had no fucking clue what you were even talking about until kenny called....OOOPS, I said Kenny's name in here. You should run and tell him again.)
wow. That was out of nowhere but okay.
#1. I don't "write" about you so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about there. If this person that you're with thinks that you want back with Spike because of something I have apparently written somewhere, then apparently you've done something for him to believe that himself because I don't recall writing anything about you. Besides, if a guy believes something that your ex boyfriends new girlfriend writes, you've got more to worry about than my opinion of your intentions.
#2. We all found it to be somewhat odd that a friend that Spike hadn't hung out with since high school calls to see what him, Kenny, and Boyer were doing the same night he was hanging out with you. Never said that you had anything to do with it, we all just said it was odd. :)
#3. Whatever relationship you have with Joan is your own. I respect her and it is no concern of mine who she has at her house. My only comment was that it would be weird for me to go to my ex boyfriends house when I "hated" him and had a new boyfriend, and that I'd feel pretty damn dumb if I was ever there when his new girlfriend was.
#4. Yes, Spike actually did tell me all those details about when he cheated on Ashley with you. That was one of the very first things he told me when we started talking. We have always been pretty good at being very honest with each other. In case you didn't know, Spike and I were friends for a good couple of years before we ever took it any further. There were times that I believe we could have, yes, BUT everytime my exact words for never doing so was "No, you have a girlfriend", that being you at that time. I had only seen you once in the whole time I have ever known Spike, but nonetheless, I respected you because you were Spike's girlfriend and I know what it feels like to be cheated on and lied to by someone you care about and I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy if I had one. I have found that to truly be the worst feeling in the world.
My main reason for calling you when you called to 'make peace' was because you had already called and done just that the day before. And then, for some odd reason, I guess you forgot that you had and called again the next day. I didn't really want it to become a habit again like it was when Spike and I first started talking and Spike asked me to say something to you. The way I see it is that in the begining he and I were just dating and technically I really couldn't say anything about you still calling him everyday. Many times I was with him when you would and he'd just ignore them out of respect for me. But, we've gotten a lot closer since then and I believe that if me and him are going to have a relationship where we trust each other, you can't be calling to just 'b.s' and whatnot because of his track record with you. He feels the same way concerning my ex boyfriend and thinks that it's for the best. I understand that you and him were together for two years and you have emotional connections with his family and will always have somewhat of one with him, but if you've moved on like you claimed you have, what really is the need to suddenly 'make peace' when you're the one who started the war?
Basically I don't know where you're getting your information but I think you've been a little misinformed. If it has anything to do with County Mart though, good luck with that. That place is high school all over again.(*I think this right here makes my point!) I've never known such a small amount people to have such a huge amount of drama. I guess it's a boring ass job or something because I know mine and Spike's relationship has been the topic there more than once.
Anyways, I apologize for any troubles my supposed writing has caused you and yours, but I assure you it was not intentional (whatever it was). If you want to keep things clear between us, perhaps you should take your own advice and avoid the drama by not making mountains out of mole hills. It really isn't worth either of ours time and I sure we both have better things to do.
I love things like this... just to re-live high school days. I definitely don't think you're psycho anymore! Now, let's see what your significant other thinks of this HUGE ordeal you've created in some sad pathetic attempt to get spike's attention. I bet he'll definitely believe he's first on your list. just... wow. You're wow.
Now how do you like them apples? Applesauce, bitch.