I just wanted to let y'all know about my new fanfic journal,
narutonojitsu. I know it has a Naruto name, but it's intended to be for any non-YA fic that I write. In case you're curious, I did this because I plan on writing more YA fic than not, and this'll help me organize my stuff a lot better. Plus, since it's one of those Sponsored+ accounts, I can have one or two userpics dedicated to the fandom that I write about, also for organization purposes. I hope that if you like my writings here you'll give it a try.
And sorry, still no Part 7. I'm still waiting on my beta. If I don't hear back from him this afternoon, I'll probably send him an email. I wanted to ahve it up by today, so we'll see how that goes. If worse comes to worse, though, I'll have it up by tomorrow, beta'd or not. As much as I appreciate the help I get, I really don't like making people wait. =/