Title: When Billy Met Teddy - Chapter 2
Status: Complete
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Rating: PG for language
Notes: What? Two chapters in a day? Well, I'm gonna be gone this weekend, so I figured I'd give a little extra this time. I hope y'all like it. The third chapter will be up sometime next week.
Again, thanks to
clex_monkie89. Without her I'd be poo.
Oh, and just about everything written is intentional. (AKA, there's a reason Teddy goes by "Ted" in this.) It's part of the plot. :)
Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Swish
It was a couple hours after school had ended, and the gym was deserted. Teddy had finished his homework in the library, and had come back to kill some time before he went home for dinner.
Ten in a row, Teddy thought with a smile as he walked to retrieve the basketball. Too bad Greg’s not here to see this. He’d freak!
Greg Norris was the basketball team captain, the student council president, and all around Mr. Popular at Manhattan High. He was also Teddy’s best friend, and the only one who knew that Theodore Altman wasn’t human. He was kind of a jerk, Teddy knew, but he didn’t mind. With Greg, he was liked. Admired, even. After all, anyone who was allowed in the exclusive clique of the legendary Greg Norris just had to be cool. So what if he was living a lie? People liked him. The most popular boy at school liked him. That’s all that mattered.
Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Thunk!
“Dammit!” he shouted, his voice echoing in the empty space. He ignored the escaping ball and stalked over to the bleachers, throwing himself onto a seat with a thump.
Okay, so maybe there was more that mattered. Maybe he was sick of it all. For so long he had wanted to be at the top of the mountain, to never be picked on, to never feel left out, to never be hated. When he had finally been invited into Greg’s circle of friends, he’d found exactly what he was looking for. He was as the top of the peak, the master of the mountain, and all looked up to him with adoration and worship. But after a few months…well, he was really starting to hate the view.
His dad was…gone. Maybe that’s what he was missing. His mother’s self-help books had said something like this. Maybe he was compensating for the lack of a father figure by trying to be loved by a strong male figure or some shit. Teddy couldn’t help but smile at that. If Greg had ever heard him talking about something like that, he’d probably just stare blankly and nod. Or make fun of him for being a nerd like “that fag Kaplan.”
Teddy’s stomach knotted when he thought that. Despite everything, he had never told Greg his deepest secret. He could almost laugh at the irony if it didn’t make him heave. He had barely hesitated at telling Greg that he was a shapeshifter. Shit, he was even letting his best friend exploit it, turning into people like Johnny Storm to get girls’ attention or Usher to get into concerts for free. But to tell Greg he was in love with him…that’d kill him. Greg would leave, and he’d be an outcast again. Like Billy.
Despite all the things Greg and his buddies said about Billy, Teddy had never seen anything wrong with him. He was a nerd, yeah, but then again, so was Teddy. Teddy was just a lot better at hiding it. Billy, though, didn’t have any powers to make him muscular with a thought. No, Billy was thinner and undeveloped, but still really cute. Teddy blushed, and wondered where the thought had come from. It was true, though. Billy wasn’t Greg, but he had his own kind of beauty. His eyes were better, too. Teddy had accidentally looked into them yesterday, as they had passed each other in the hall, and he was struck by the intelligence and strength he had seen before Billy had cast his gaze downward and sped along to his locker. He hadn’t thought too much about it, but now…
“What am I doing?” he groaned, leaning forward and holding his head in his hands. He was not having thoughts about Billy.
Was he?
He was. Oh, shit…
But what about Greg? He could see it now: He’d sit down at lunch with Billy, trying to get to know him, and bam! he’d be just another nerd again. The fame, the status would be gone. People who used to beg him to come to their party suddenly wouldn’t know him. They’d probably shoot spitballs at him, too.
It was all so stupid. But what could he do?
He should just forget about Billy, not even think of him. Be like Wolverine, who couldn’t even remember his own birthday, from what the chat rooms said. But even as he considered it, Teddy knew it was impossible. That look, that one, accidental, innocent look had sparked something that he couldn’t let go. Something that, now that he was aware of it, grew like the Hulk.
He felt sick and giddy all at the same time. His emotions were waging war inside his head, but one thing was clear: he wanted to talk with Billy. Find out more about him. It was stupid. It was irrational. It was potential social suicide, but…he had to talk. Find out more. Maybe if he just gave in for a moment, it’d all go away.
But how? How to get him away from everyone else so no one could see him. What’d Billy even do in his spare time? Probably study for the next…
“Hey!” he exclaimed, getting an idea. Billy was the smartest guy he knew, and was always being asked by his teachers to tutor. Maybe if he failed his math test tomorrow, he could convince Mr. Finkscale that he needed some help, and then…
Teddy grinned and got up to retrieve the ball, thoughts swimming through his head. What he was planning was risky, foolish even. It could get him into a lot of trouble with his teacher and maybe even his friends.
But he couldn’t stop thinking that it’d be worth it.