Jan 30, 2005 14:40

Well yesterday was interesting to say the least. I was called out to Parkwood Rd of Hwy 78 in reference to some large fiberoptic lines being down in the roadway. The work crew is doing their thing, mean while some jack ass in a Saturn comes flying around the corner on this icy ass rd then parks his vehicle next to where I had the road blocked off. Kiddingly I said to him to slow down because I was sick of working wreck reports. Well he looks at me like "whatever" and keeps walking" .. Oh uh uh , so I get out and tell him to get his license out because he so needed a ticket. Well he KEEPS walking after I told him to stop 3 separate times... well guess what ladies and gents.. thats OBSTRUCTION so yea, his redneck ass took a ride to jail.. Other than that, wasn't too bad. I came home and hung out with Ted,Jenn,and Rick which was a blast. Especially the driving in the ice and sliding backwards down the icy road and going into the Kroger with our pajamas on to get out ice cream and pizza. So now I have the day off and supposed to hang out with Gabe afterwards.
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