Fading Skies by
diamond_raven After John is badly wounded while serving in Somalia, he and Rodney have to learn how to make a serious physical disability a part of their lives.
I have to admit, I'm a big fan of disability!fic. However, none that I've read yet encapsulated the changes a person has to make in their lives after a traumatic accident. More than John getting used to the chair, he has to get used to his entire life changing. And yet it's not just 'John gets paralyzed,' the author does a fantastic job of weaving a story around it. An AU, but don't let that turn you off. SGA, McShep, Established Relationship, Disability!Fic, AU: College, H/C
Theory of Evolution by
Stuck with a body he can't accept as his own, John withdraws - and Rodney lets him, certain that all John needs is time. But what if he's wrong?
Written for the SGA Big Bang, this is one long, comfortable read. AU after Conversion, John doesn't transform back into his original body. Sometimes you want to just reach into your screen and shake the bejeezus out of him, but all-in-all his reactions and worries are not only very real, but understandable. For this Bug!John fangirl, this is pretty much my favorite of the Post-Conversion fics. A warning, though; this is not a happy fic. SGA, McShep, Established Relationship, AU: Episode, Bug!John, Angst, H/C
Aegis by
The Ancients' genes didn't just confer the power to activate their technology. For ten percent of Earth's population, like John Sheppard, the ATA gene also gave them Gifts: special abilities that made them admired, envied, and feared.
Sheppard was a Charmer, one of the feared ones, whose particular Gift let him create faith whenever he needed to be trusted or believed. But Sheppard didn't trust himself not to destroy what he loved most. And somewhere along the line, amid the terror and chaos of the Expedition's first year in the Pegasus Galaxy, what Sheppard loved most had become Rodney McKay.
McKay didn't trust anyone. As soon as you started trusting people, you started counting on them, depending on them, and that was when you became vulnerable. And vulnerable things didn't survive. So just when, exactly, had he started trusting Sheppard?
And what was going to happen, now that he did?
Whoo, long summary. Anyway, another fic from SGA Big Bang, and a goodie it is. Then again, I hold a special place in my heart for superheroes, and the powers that go with them. Therefore, this fic is nearly an automatic rec. But what earns it's place here is that it takes an idea (the ATA gene gives people powers) and pulls it off so perfectly. Rodney and his obsession with the Gifted, John's nervousness about making friends even though people are throwing themselves at them... it's just lovely. I can't even say any more without giving away most of the story, just go read it! Now! ::makes shooing motions.:: SGA, McShep, First Time, Superpowers
Freak by Kriadydragon
Something wasn't taken, something was gained.
Wing!Fic, and what a lovely Wing!fic it is! Many authors in writing Wing!fic seem to ignore that flight is a little more difficult than just flapping the wings; this one doesn't. Not only is reading John's use of his wings, but his gradual acceptance of them is very well done. The ending, however, is a heartbreaker. SGA, Gen, Wing!Fic, Team!Fic