My cousin runs a
Dr. Bob's Donut & Doyo shop in Roseville, California (little ways north-east of Sacramento).
Dr. Bob's Donut mix the only sprouted grain all-purpose and “dessert” baking Mixes, the only all-organic whole foods baking mixes, and the only live probiotic (heat stable) baking mixes that they know of. The donuts are very low sodium and aluminum free, low calorie, low glycemic index, completely vegan and common allergen free (no gluten, wheat, dairy, corn, eggs, or nuts). They are also free of GMOs, added chemicals & conditioners, added sugars, added flavors & colors, trans-fats, and cholesterol. They are an excellent source of fiber, protein, Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It is the first all-purpose microwave baking mix. This allows you cook in two minutes or less in your microwave by SteamBaking™ which is significantly healthy, faster, easier and safer than regular baking. They are the first sprouted grain all-purpose and chocolate baking mixes. And they are the only truly healthy baking mixes on the market. You can check out
more info here if interested.
Dr. Bob's Donut & Doyo shop is a very small business and are trying to get all the help they can to be eligible to recieve a grant. To be considered, they need 250 votes in the next 5 days. All you need is a facebook page to vote.
To vote:
Step 1. Click
hereStep 2. Enter 95678 (zip code)
Step 3. Vote! (verify that Chase Mission Main Street Grants will receive access to your public profile only)
That's it! They need about 75 more votes. Please consider voting and helping out a small business.