Aug 08, 2006 12:37
Sorry to the three people that read this and are getting sick of me talking about the Fringe show non-stop. Closing night is this Saturday and I swear I'll never talk about it again.
Opening night was a disastrous clusterfuck. Everything that could have gone wrong did. I missed a major cue and I'm supposed to be the director. We got some laughs but nobody involved was happy with the show.
Something happened last night with our 2nd show that made things 100 times better. It was funnier, there were no tech glitches, everybody was on their mark, people were ad libbing like crazy and it worked. I was giddy afterward.
Of course, the theater critics for the Pioneer Press and Star Tribune were at Friday's disaster.
It doesn't matter. The Star Tribune actually had some good things to say (see my previous post) and the Pioneer Press ripped us apart so hard that people will come simply out of curiosity (we practically had a full house last night. Eat my dick, Dominic Papatola!). The shit review also allowed us to have the "fuck it" attitude needed to really make the comedy happen.
We've got 3 shows left! Wednesday @ 7:00, Friday @ 4:00 and Saturday @ 8:30.