Reposting Directory #2: All the Rest of It (stand-alones, two-parters, et al.)

Dec 13, 2008 08:45

[I'm not even going to attempt to recall the dates that these were all originally posted here, but the long and short of it is, all the previous entries I'd ever made here were from my other LJ account, which is no longer for fannish business. So, I deleted them, and I'm replacing them with these two large posts full of story-links. Apologies for all the recent spam while we restructure things around here. I'll work on getting the fan art tag functional this evening!]

( "Balance" - Billy/Joey - PG13)

( "Window of Opportunity" - Billy/Joey - NC17)

( Proem [Untitled] - Billy/Joey - PG13)

( "Equal and Opposite Reactions" - Billy/Joey - R)

( "Talk" - Billy/Joey - R)

( "Aerial" - Billy/Joey - PG13)

( "Revisions" - Billy/Joey - PG13)

( "Wait for Me There" - Dean Parker - PG13)

( "The Listening Game" - Billy/Joey - R)

("Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - Billy/Joey - PG13)

( "Not the Summer of Love" - Billy/Joey - R)

( "Some Small Town, One Different Summer" - Billy/Joey - NC17)

( "Proof" - Billy/Joey - R)

[Tag - TS College AU]

[Tag - TS Collaborations (with jennaria)]

irisbleufic, fanfiction

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