Apr 23, 2006 07:47
6 weird/random facts about me:
1)i have more phobias than people probably know, since im usually really fine in other situations.... :certain crawly, bug things like scorpians, spiders, bees, snakes, and also certain situations where im on an unstable bridge or ladder high up.
2) when i have certain food cravings i tend to have a bunch of it in a single sitting while watchin a movie. like doritos, ramen, certain candy.
3)i tend to have certain OCD moments when i clean, or when i eat meals at the caf i have a ritual/order to what i do.
4)whenever i have a free moment i will drift off and day dream about stuff done, stuff to come, whatever. sometimes i will not hear whats goin on right next to me till someone says my name pretty loud.
5)i have weaknesses, such as a redhead, cheesecake, someone getting me something when its not my birthday.
6)sometimes, when ive been keepin in great shape and runnin alot, and i go a while whithout eating, i get cranky, or depressed, and cant think straight very much.
i should tag people i guess: bri, cheryl, whitney