Apr 09, 2008 13:14
In light of yet ANOTHER video scandal with a group of teens beating the crap out of a peer with the intent of posting it on youtube, the parents response is that sites like MySpace and YouTube "need to block such content".
What the fuck do those websites matter when you have blood-thirsty, violent little bastards who find enjoyment from physical violence? The issue here has nothing to do with the Internet... it has to do with YOUR kids being completely and totally fucked up!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No counseling. No trials. No juvey hall or jail time. No leniency. No second chances. These kids are sick, twisted fucks. Ship them to The Island. Giving second chances to delinquents like this is just asking for yet ANOTHER generation of useless, soulless deviants. Stop the fiasco at the source. If you coddle these "kids" and treat them like "kids" after they perform an intentional, thought out and horrific act there will never be a lesson learned.
And, really, can a creature without a conscience ever learn anything? They put dogs to sleep for less than this.
Just imagine it.. my vision of an island for convicts and criminals. Then, throwing these idiot teenagers on it. Let them see how funny it is to be beaten into a pulp. I am sure the girls will be laughing up a storm while being gang raped repeatedly until their vaginas fall out in bloody heaps. Even THAT would be too good for the lot of them, but I don't believe in the death penalty so it'll have to do.
"Oh, but kids have always been like this. It was just never on the news before"... um, for one I don't believe that statement... but even if it was true, there is no time like the present to start handing out ultimate discipline for such bullshit. Consider it a new, one strike rule.