I'm A Slave 4 U

Aug 24, 2007 10:50

Why is there a poll on CNN talking about the U.S. apologizing for the slave trade? Why are people still talking about the slave trade? We get it. A hundred some years ago, your people were abused. The Jews were oppressed for thousands of years, I don't hear them bitching about it. What the hell does anyone in this day and age even know about the life of a slave outside of books?

Seriously. It would be like me demanding an apology from Ireland because of the Potato Famine. Totally ludicrous.

It's always a touchy subject talking about Black and White but it seems to me in many cases "they" are more oppressive and detrimental to themselves than the whites are to them. These people demanding reparations especially just have a huge chip on their shoulders and want money for nothing. Our modern society is built off this get rich and sue whomever mentality, so it's not like it is "only them" doing it.

I feel like you can't even talk about the subject without being considered a racist. So fuck it, I am a racist...

Fine, so you're black, so what. Society treats you differently. Welcome to the real world. Should I get on my cross about being a faggot and how everyone hates us: blacks, arabs, whites, Asians, women, kids. Everyone thinks we're the lowest form of life. We even hate ourselves.

Most everyone in some way or another is stereotyped and hated by some other group. Get over it and move on already. You weren't the first people to be oppressed and you won't be the last. Yes, slavery was a horrible, despicable thing, at least you still have a culture of some kind. The whites pretty much wiped out three-quarters of the Native American race, broke all their promises to them, enslaved them, practically obliterated an animal species from the face of the Earth to kill off their food source. Those guys deserve an apology.

But, it was in some cases tribe leaders themselves selling their own people into slavery. Go bitch to them. Your own people screwed you over, and you want to cry about the slave trade while you're driving around in your Escalade. What the fuck do you even know about it.


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