Nazis. I hate these guys.

Jan 03, 2007 07:56

Work has continued to be relentlessly busy since the new year. Far be it for me to gripe about actually having to work, right? Trouble is, I need to start cleaning house and putting my ducks in order so to speak, and I have had no time to because I am dealing with an endless barrage of stupid questions about forgotten passwords and why it's necessary to reboot your computer to fix something.

The CG has also been pushing hard to get the Citrix project we're on moving because he knows the time is limited, so he was on a call with me yesterday even though he was supposed to have the day off. He made an off the cuff comment about how there's just too much going on at his place right now and how, when I come aboard basically a lot of the "shit" will fall on me. I hope I am not getting myself into a bad situation... wait, what am I saying? I am already IN the worst situation imaginable.

Speaking of, they did send an email out asking for a fifteen dollar donation for an Xmas gift for the higher-ups. Last year, as I often tell the story when listing off my my hated moments here, Rozz verbally attacked me because I did not participate, even going as far as to involve her daughter in the whole thing and basically threatening me that I "had" to pay the *voluntary* gift.

I didn't of course, as a matter of principle and that is when she approached HR saying that I should not get an Xmas bonus because I did not pay said "voluntary" gift. It was probably the turning point when I knew a cunt was a cunt and even friendship with someone wasn't enough for me to not use the word CUNT to describe her mother. Cunt.Cunt.Cunt.

Anyway, last night Jabba sends out an email to about eight people, myself included, "reminding" us that we still needed to pay. Hell, why not just paste what she wrote:

"Just a reminder - in case it had slipped your mind and/or email.....

Please remit your money a.s.a.p."

Now, I am no English major, but the use of the word "remit" there really bothered me. For starters, we're dealing with a trailer trash piece of shit here and that word seems rather big for her vocabulary. Not to mention it's usage could be taken several different ways...

1 a : to lay aside (a mood or disposition) partly or wholly b : to desist from (an activity) c : to let (as attention or diligence) slacken : RELAX
2 a : to release from the guilt or penalty of b : to refrain from exacting c : to cancel or refrain from inflicting d : to give relief from (suffering)
3 : to submit or refer for consideration, judgment, decision, or action; specifically : REMAND
4 : to restore or consign to a former status or condition
6 : to send (money) to a person or place especially in payment of a demand, account, or draft
intransitive verb
1 a : to abate in force or intensity : MODERATE b : to abate symptoms (as of a disease) for a period
2 : to send money (as in payment)

2d and 3 seem to be the definitions that most closely go with the mentality of this place. I am debating whether to ignore the email or write back at let her know I have no interest in participating. I also know that she forwarded the email on to Rozz and I am waiting to see what pearls of wisdom that skank has to add to the whole thing seeing as it was probably her idea to send it in the first place.

It aches knowing it's still a full month before I am out of here. I just want it to be over right NOW. The light at the end of the tunnel is still too far away. I did my time. I've served the sentence. Release me already. I am curious to know what public reaction will be around here once the notice is given. Especially amongst the cunts. I have mentioned to a few of my star users and they received it with a tone of panic and disappointment, and some of them have since been the ones making my days hell with endless, stupid questions.

Yesterday, some other piece of shit in one of our remote locations gave his resignation and the Mafioso "refused" it. How does one refuse a resignation? I don't get it. Did he pull out a gun and threaten to blow the guy's brains out? If that's what it comes down to for me, then shoot motherfucker. Shoot!

I need a break. I didn't get my quiet time during the two weeks of holiday madness. I need some now. A day where my phone isn't ringing every five minutes. Calgon! Take me away!

jabba, happily/rozz, playpen, work, funny

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