Jan 02, 2025 10:30
It's going to be one of those days, or years.
The Meat Packer is not waiting till Monday to go all in on their usual annoying shit. But there's now a twist being added to things. There were two users whose workstations are old and horribly slow that I've needed to inquire about getting replacements for. The one girl had an issue last night, so I felt compelled to finally get the ball rolling on it this morning.
I emailed the CFO and Mrs Slate to ask about ordering replacement systems for them. Mrs. Slate replied back in an hour, which is fast for her, saying that I needed to email Slate's I.T. support and they would get replacement laptops configured for these two users. This is interesting considering we've been told multiple times that they would be keeping us on for I.T. support... something I've never really believed since she first told us that.
How can I do support when I don't have access to the user's systems to do said support. I've helped another Slate employee once getting the VPN configured and he needed to reach out to their support just to get the program installed. Clearly I am not going to be given their admin password, so what exactly will my role be? How will I support them? If workstations, email, their main software etc are all under the Slate I.T. umbrella and their current server configuration is going away?
I did find meeting their I.T. people a few weeks ago on site there suspicious too. I just felt like they were all "in" on something that I was not. That something likely being that they were going to give us the boot and take over I.T. support. And I've said before, it might actually be an improvement in my life to not have to deal with the Meat Packer. But, they literally pay my salary and without them, then what? Where does my income come from? This becomes a scarier question considering the Sparrow's pay cut now.
Is this the universe conspiring to knock us down a peg for daring to believe we could pay off our house in 5 years or less?
The thing that really bugs me is being lied to. If Mrs. Slate would have just said that we'd be phased out, that'd be fine. But, like women do, she's been lying to my face for months now telling me that I will still be giving them support and yada yada yada. She's saying one thing, but the things that are happening seem to be pointing to a different outcome.
Speaking of women, the one running the cat rescue is starting to annoy me again. Madison was here last Sunday giving the new foster kittens their next round of vaccines and she was telling us all about how she's been butting heads with this woman for weeks now (which she'd detailed a little bit about before). I've already talked about the owner of the rescue, though I do not for the life of me remember if I gave her a name. Let's call her Most Affected.
Most Affected is, as her name applies, always the most affected by whatever is happening in the world. She makes sure to whine to fosters and adopters and anyone who will listen all about how hard she works and the struggles of life she goes through, desperately seeking pity and attention with every interaction. She also seems to do so on the rescue's Facebook page, which I've said before is horrendously cringy and inappropriate.
After we dropped the girls off at the cafe we were given 5 new foster kittens to take care of. When we were given this group, the two males were already very clearly "developed". So they were getting close to the age when being fixed needed to be a priority otherwise these two would likely be knocking up their sisters. We even expressed concern about it to Madison on Sunday, who agreed and said that we would be added to the schedule to get at least the males or females in soon to be fixed.
Low and behold this morning I go out to feed the birds and look through the window into the back garage and what do I see? One of the males, Napoleon, is mounting one of his sisters and fucking her. This has gone from a potential issue to an actual one in a matter of days. Then the Sparrow said he saw them "wrestling" yesterday but forgot to mention it. UM! This is a big fucking deal. Even with Apollo dying, a few minutes should have been put aside for this to be mentioned.
So he texted Madison, and then Most Affected after that, and Most Affected said she would "move things around" so that the three girls can be fixed tomorrow morning and whoever was supposed to be going in (another foster and their cats) would be rescheduled. While I am thankful for a solution, I am also really aggravated.
This is the typical management by crisis woman shit I cannot stand. Most Affected should have been aware the day we took possession of these kittens that getting them fixed was a priority. We should not be to the point of seeing these cats fucking before we get a vet appointment. Clearly they had slots open too, considering someone else was going in tomorrow that we have now bumped.
So this means tomorrow morning we need to race out of the house to get these cats to this vet that is 40 minutes away by 7:30. The Sparrow is coming with to help, so he's losing hours at work now. Who knows what the fuck the morning holds for me and work, or with Apollo. And this means we now need to go back out there Saturday to pick these kittens up. What if we had other things going on? What if Apollo drops dead in the next 48 hours?
None of this matters to Most Affected, as she just wants to complain about how hard she is working while she pisses off the most important person to the rescue (Madison) and some of the fosters who are actually willing and able to help in the long term (us). I just do not want to deal with this shit. I've had my experiences with Miss Managed and my sister and the horrible women at the Playpen. Madison seems to be the exception and wants to help and do things logically, planned out and organized. Not like Most Affected with her scatter-brained, woe-is-me, calamitous style of operation. It makes me not even want to continue being involved.
This bitch just took a week and a half off to go to Disney after Thanksgiving. She took the last two weeks of the year "off" from doing any adoptions and stuff regarding the rescue. You ain't working that hard bitch. I took two weeks off and spent half my time responding to asshole customers. Madison said Most Affected has 12 adoption applications in her queue and instead of working with Madison to get them split so each could do half, Most Affected whined and moaned about being overworked, dramatically said she'd just do them all herself instead of working with Madison on it, and then proceeded to do exactly *ONE* of them. The owner of the cat cafe, as I've said, is also starting to get really, really pissed off about this woman.
It feels like a case of a person really wanting to do something to help, but being too incompetent to do so and exposing that their whole motivation in doing so (or at least part of it) is to get attention for themselves for doing it. That sort of thing smacks of my sister and it may be why I feel a really deep annoyance with this woman.
We want to help. But, we do not want to deal with the chaos of a scatter-brained woman. If the rescue is too much for you, pass the baton to someone else. Don't hold onto control for control's sake and affect the lives of all these animals, all the fosters and all the people in charge right beneath you who are trying to do things the right way.
I had a really bad feeling yesterday when I woke up and it seems the year so far is only affirming that feeling. Not just with all this personal shit, but with all the crazy shit happening in the world the past 24 hours. What with the NOLA terrorist turning out to be an actual Muslim extremist (or at the very least a sympathizer), Tesla car bombs at Trump's Vegas hotel, someone hijacking a bus in Vegas too and some other incident I can't even remember now. There's not going to be one second to breath it seems. It simply has to be all chaos all the time.