Stupid Users Don't Take Holidays

Dec 28, 2024 16:32

It's difficult to find time to sit down and think when one is not working, and their partner is also not at work. We'd hoped to be productive while we were off, and have been a little, but I've felt myself growing progressively more exhausted. I think mainly because of the wine last night coupled with not falling asleep until midnight after having the BIL and Gayle over for dinner.

Routine is my supreme ally. Even if I don't generally fall asleep until 10 PM anyway, not being in bed by 8:00 just throws my entire routine off. And in the case of last night, not finding sleep till 12:00 basically meant today was going to be a wash. The cats don't care I didn't sleep as long, because they are still up at 5:30, so I almost always am as well. It didn't help also that Apollo wanted to sleep in the bed last night, between my legs, so I was stuck in the same position for hours. But, he's old and dying so he gets his way.

After I fed them this morning I got on the couch at 6 AM and put 'Star Trek 2' on, falling asleep right before Khan first attacks.

We ran to the pet store to look for eye medication for Apollo and had breakfast at Bob Evans. I sometimes feel we go out just to "do" something when we'd otherwise just like to stay in all day and do nothing. Work bothered me AGAIN this morning because some moron couldn't remember the wifi password. How the fuck am I supposed to remember it, I never use it. Why is the onus on *me* to remember, when I don't work there, yet you can just "forget it" and then conveniently cry to me about it? This was after that Dino luddite tried calling me last night after 8:00, right in the middle of our evening, because he "coUldN'T gEt CoNnEcTeD" and "nOtHiNg wAs WoRKiNg!"...

I didn't answer, which was a first for me. Instead I texted him, let him know I was in the middle of hosting family and said that his office machine was powered on so that wasn't the issue, so he should try rebooting his laptop. He eventually texted me and said that resolved it. He should never have even called me before trying that, and I will bill him three hours for the annoyance. As the weeks have gone on, these cunts get more helpless and useless and they are going to start paying for expecting me to be available at all hours of the day and night. Even if I don't see a dollar, they will pay.

We've been eating a lot of junk, what with holiday candies and cookies and stuff finding their way into the house. I feel disgusting and I think the influx of sugar is having instant and uncomfortable affects on my body. I've had the recurring issue lately with my feet burning when I lay down, which I previously had when I had sciatica and can be associated with B vitamin deficiencies. The other issue with being off and the Sparrow also not working, my morning routine of smoothies and vitamins hasn't been happening because we are often out and going to breakfast.

This is not me saying that work has its plus side (for me)... only that when the Sparrow goes to work *that* has a plus side, for my routines.

Being off I am also very confused about what day it is. And since work has been bugging me nonstop regardless of it being a weekday or weekend (or day or night), I truly keep forgetting what day of the week we are on.

Apollo's health seems to continue to slowly deteriorate. The Sparrow can be paranoid and he's starting to panic about it. The poor, old cat doesn't seem to be suffering... I don't think. He's just old, and feeble and occasionally confused. He's still eating, still begging for treats, still drinking water and still, occasionally, having accidents outside the litter box. What can we do? Take him to be put down because it is inconvenient?

We'll see how the eye medication works for him and his one eye that's looked infected or swollen. We did wonder if maybe he had another seizure or a stroke. He is skin and bones these days. Not as bad as Shiloh was on his last day, but getting there. And I keep saying, just like last year, there's a chance he will just suddenly recover and be mostly back to his usual self, if not slightly older. I know some cats live to be like 26. I hope that is not the case here, for his sake. But I am just not ready to euthanize him because it'd make things easier for us. If it makes things easier for him, *then* we will have to make that decision.

cats, stupid users, work

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