Dec 19, 2024 07:32
Yesterday at the Meat Packer was fine. The CFO had asked when I was coming in next last week, as he'd gotten me a Christmas gift. The first time such a thing has occurred. When I got there it was sitting on the rack in the server room. A Trump rubber duck for the Jeep. I had always had suspicions about his politics, and figured he must have seen the stickers on the Jeep before. There's no way he's a liberal with this gift.
I heard from several people there about the new asshole manager yesterday too, and only had my thoughts confirmed... that he does nothing and spends his days wandering around talking to people and is never in his office... except when he is fiddling with his desk setup and making lists of things he wants from Amazon. Like a new flat screen TV, which he says he needs in their office back there to conduct meetings. I think he'll fit in just fine with the new owners, since he doesn't actually do anything and his concerns are all about aesthetics and setups for Teams meetings.
On a side note, which I guess goes along with me being right about everything all the time. After the email migration, the office is fully on Teams now and they can all join meetings with less hassle than apparently was the case before. This has created a new issue as no one has speakers or cameras on their workstations. Well, in a shocking turn of events, Mrs. Slate (who was constantly sending me, piece by piece, requests to order things for her coveted conference room setup) went ahead and ordered a bunch of cameras and speakers for people. All on her own. She somehow figured out how to use Amazon all of a sudden, after sending me on her ridiculous goose chases previously. I knew she was just doing it to be lazy, as her giving me bits and pieces of info has dragged out the conference room being setup properly for over two months now.
Speaking of which, I was supposed to order a computer for in there and have forgotten multiple times now.
I have to pause briefly and mention there were just six deer outside my office window. They kept looking right at me, so I couldn't move otherwise they'd be scared off. It is not usual to see them in back all the time, but fairly rare for them to be right in front of the house. During the day at least. Unfortunately, I am moving slow this morning intentionally, and had not yet gone outside to put seed out. Otherwise they would have stuck around most likely, just to clean everything out.
I did give the tour to Slate's I.T. consultants yesterday. Three guys, all seeming to fit the I.T. stereotype. The tall, skinny, bald one. The short, fat, dumpy one. And the gross, long facial hair, rock band looking one. They all seemed fine, though I was just getting the distinct impression the longterm intention was to phase our company out. Which I have felt in my gut was going to happen. Even though Mrs. Slate assured us they'd be keeping us on multiple times. If they decide to move all the Meat Packer's servers to the cloud, there would be little use for me to be there. Unless they'd keep me around for all the shit work, to be the middleman as one of their underlings.
Who knows. Who cares.
I'd like to just have today be a blow off day, but I have a few things I need to do just to get the ball rolling for after the holidays. Orders and such. Oh, and one of those I.T. guys said the software email issue may be their problem to fix, which was my original gut reaction the other day when it was first made known to me. And Jones, the fax manipulator, was not spoken of very highly in the brief mention he was given as I talked to these guys about their thoughts on the issue. I need to get that info to the head one, Joe. He said he thought he knew what the problem was.
I am getting a haircut before the work Christmas dinner tonight. So I have to hope for a quiet afternoon, as I am leaving here hopefully by 2:00 for the 3:15 appointment. Then it should work out with traffic and all for me to get to the place by 4:45 or so for dinner. I generally have this inexplicable mastery of time, so I am not too worried about it. The only wrench is if any customers start whining about problems.
We'd also been watching 'Survivor' all season and the finale was last night, which I just found eye-rolling. They had this annoying little lesbian on, who I think has that mental illness where she thinks she's "nOn-BiNArY" or whatever, and she had some cringy harangue about her imagined conflict with the semi-attractive, fit white guy on the show because, in her mind, he was the one picking on her in grade school and high school. Of course, she has no idea if the guy was a jock or nerd in school. He could have been like me and looked like Austin Powers until he hit about 18. But, she is the ultimate victim of the patriarchy in her own mind, so I was glad she lost.
But there was this whole thing throughout the season, and maybe it is in every season (I don't know, because I've never watched before), where all the women on the show were all about "girl power" and "women rule" and all this whining bullshit. And the girl who ultimately won, Rachel, turned into such an entitled, conceited bitch in the last couple episodes. Acting as if she deserved to win, even though I am convinced she won challenges because she was fucking the producers or something. In the final immunity challenge, the bitch couldn't figure out the puzzle on her own and had to look over the guy's shoulder to cheat. Which then, at the last part of the challenge, all four of them were looking over each other's shoulders trying to win. Just seemed lame and unsportsmanlike.
So this Rachel girl is just all up in her own asshole, sniffing herself at the end about what a "great" player she is. But she would never have gotten there had this other guy, Sol, not saved her ass early on by giving her immunity on a night she would have been voted off. So once again, a woman who thinks she's so great, as it turns out, couldn't have accomplished what she did without the help of a man.
The third of the final three was this old, grotesque woman named Sue who looks like she has had as much plastic surgery as Cher. And she was man-hating the entire season. Particularly against this one guy Kyle, who did nothing wrong other than play well. She lied about her age early on, saying she was 49, and then last night made this "big reveal" she was just turning 60 (conveniently) the night of the final episode. I think she thought this big reveal would get her votes or something, but it backfired and as far as it looked, she received zero. Though I did walk away to get ready for bed the second Rachel was announced as the winner, so I don't know the final vote tally.
I think the guy Sam should have won because his story was better, and I never really liked him for most of the season. He kept coming from behind, and was on the chopping block multiple times. His ingenuity saved his ass (though some if it was luck). Whereas Rachel would not have even been there had Sol not saved her initially. And she apparently entered this hall of fame of all these people who won immunity four times (or was it five?). Anyway, the people in said "hall of fame" were all women, which just made me think again that they were all sleeping with the producers to win these challenges. Because some of the wins just seemed staged, as far as I was concerned.
All I know is, if there were a group of men on the show saying they should all band together to eliminate all the women. And they said stuff about "man power" and such, the show would get lambasted and probably taken off the air. But, women do it and it's supposed to be this great thing because they all imagine they are so "oppressed".
Woman in current year America are some of the most entitled cunts in history. I've seen it with my own eyes. My sister, some of the Sparrow's coworkers, including that one who quit he still stays in touch with (the cubby one who wears shirts with cleavage holes in them). I've seen it at our customers. Miss Managed was one for sure. Pretty much every female liberal out there.
They are super strong, strong as hell... until things get a little difficult.
tv show,