The President Shit His Pants

Jun 07, 2024 07:32

Yesterday was the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord and the storming of the beaches of Normandy during WWII. Biden was on location there for the commemoration. There is video of the event that has gone viral where it seems he possibly loses control of his bowels and shits his pants live on camera, in front of an entire stage and audience of people. He was escorted off stage by his wife after the ceremony. Biden and his "doctor" wife very robotically walk straight out, not looking around. Just very determined to exit as if nothing is amiss. Maybe it was nothing. Later the "president" was getting out of his vehicle and he looks completely dazed and confused like he has no idea where he is.

81 million votes folks. 81 million people supposedly voted for this dementia-addled, diaper-wearing pedophile. Of course, I don't believe that. But, some people do. Many.

This is the second incident I've heard of where this old vegetable has potentially lost control of his bowels. And if the secret service isn't completely indoctrinated into the leftist cult, then some day there should be some interesting autobiographies written.

I also heard some of Biden's speech at the ceremony, which sounded wholly political. Implying, of course, that democracy was under threat right now by a new group of "Nazis". It was quite disgusting overall. Especially after hearing Ronald Reagan's speech at the 40th anniversary. The juxtaposition is outrageous. I really have begun to truly love Ronald Reagan. Having grown up in the 80s, I already had a positive view of him. Regardless of my experiences in the "Rainbow Cult" where the mere mention of his name throws faggots into a rage. Mention that Dr. Fauci was in charge during the AIDs crisis though and their heads explode. Funny that he apparently had the idea of AIDs Island long before Rockwell did.

I also heard this morning that Russia is sending warships to visit Cuba and Venezuela next week. I try not to get too wrapped up in all these people I see online talking about World War III, but I suppose this news concerned me more than most. In their typical, sleazy fashion, the warmongering Biden Administration waited until the Trump verdict dropped last week to announce they'd given the okay for that shithole country Ukraine to use the weapons we'd given them on targets IN Russia, which goes against the original agreement concerning their use.

It blows my mind how blind Democrat voters are to these machinations. Yet, from a series of videos I watched yesterday, they all just robotically repeat that people like myself are the "cultists", "drinking the kool-aid". We were told when Trump took office in 2016, he would start World War III. That didn't happen. He was the first president in decades not to get us into any new conflicts. There was general stability in the world during his presidency.

Since Biden took office everything has gone to complete shit. War has broken out all over. Threats of more war are looming daily across the Earth. Nations and societies everywhere are destabilizing. The Biden admin actually, not even ironically, blames Trump for some of it, and their brainless, uneducated cultist followers accept that as truth. So many morons in these videos I watched yesterday talking about how glad they were Trump may be locked up because somehow *he*, even though he hasn't been in the White House in 3 and a half years, is the one causing all these issues.

Democrat voters are too stupid to live. Truly. And the party leaders bank on this extraordinary stupidity. They could sell all these assholes ketchup popsicles if they were all wearing white gloves. I mean, look at the Covid response. Look at how stupid that swath of society was with that. Not even just Democrats really. A society of complete morons bought into the bullshit hook, line and sinker. And this is being revealed with the Congressional hearings with that fraud Fauci this week. It was all a lie. We were right all along. Yet, none of the braindead leftists will pay attention to it. Their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to hear it.

People really believe they lived through some deadly pandemic. And now they are trying to do it all over again with Bird Flu, which has conveniently become a concern just before an election (just like that last "pandemic"). No one questions it. There's not one ounce of critical thinking. If they told people they needed to shove razor dildos up their asses to survive the next common cold, all these fucking idiots would do it without question.

It's almost as if the United States doesn't deserve to survive.

It is foolish to allow oneself to exist in this mindset that war and conflict are things that happened only in history. Or only in countries far away. While the fact a huge amount of the American public is armed is quite the deterrent, I still think it is completely in the realm of possibility there could be an attack on U.S. soil. Look at 9/11... no one could have imagined the atrocities of that day. We exist here in a comfortable delusion of stability. And like I heard someone say this morning, if war happens it is us, the common people, who will pay the price. While the elites and the leaders are hidden safely away 2 miles under some mountain somewhere. Those elites that have weakened the nation and intentionally create division within society.

Spiritually speaking, I do think conflict is inevitable. War is inevitable. It is a requirement to get to the end of all this. Some day I will no longer be sitting at this desk, watching the sunrise and squirrels traipsing through the lawn. Someday everything I've known my entire life will be gone. Some day our entire way of life potentially. And sadly, 50% of the country seems to want it to happen. And they are too stupid to even understand that.

covid, liberals, politics, history, wwii, america

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