Apr 26, 2024 08:51
It seems all these pro-Hamas "demonstrations" around the country are ramping up. Some people say it's a preview of what's coming this summer, correlating it to the "Democrat Summer of Love", where rioters floated the Covid restrictions liberals demanded the entire country to live under in order to trash and loot cities and burn some buildings to the ground. All in the name of the drug addict loser George Floyd, who would have died from some heart issue that day, regardless of whether that moron cop kneeled on his neck.
I saw a video this morning of Jon Lovitz of all people on the news talking about how disgusting and scary all this protesting and rioting is. And how it is mirroring things that happened in Germany before World War II. I have to say, once again, I love the blatant irony of the fact that liberals are EXACTLY what they accuse everyone else of. They tried to paint this picture for YEARS that Trump was Antisemitic, as were his followers. I know I wasn't. I used to love Jewish men back in my younger days. But, there's no arguing with crazy, so it is not even worth a debate with any of these "people".
They're hypocrites, and whatever they say the opposite is always true. Russian Collusion? Oh no, sorry... it was proven the Democrats and Hillary had worked with the Russians and created the fake Steele Dossier. Trump supporters are violent? Not usually... 98.9% of any of the videos I ever saw online were of Democrats unleashing violence onto Trump supporters. And they were proud of it too. Why? Because they claimed Trump supporters were "Nazis" which justifies violent behavior against them.
Nazis you say? Well, now we see who the real Nazis are. Who the real Nazis have been all along. Why, yes! Of course, it is the Democrats and liberals. The ones chanting for the death of Israel, for the death or ostracization of Jews. Blocking Jewish students and faculty from classes. STABBING Jewish people. I mean, the blacks in New York were already doing this the past 5 or 6 years, so it's nothing new for Democrats.
Oh, and one of my favorites... that Trump wants to tear up the Constitution and turn the United States into a totalitarian state where he is emperor. Wrong again, the truth is right in front of everyone's faces. The only people CONSTANTLY trying to step on everyone's Constitutional rights are Democrats. Even with abortion, Roe V. Wade was not Constitutional. Even than mummy Ruth Bader Ginsberg said that. What does that madman Trump think? OH, that the states should decide themselves what to do about abortion. Which was the same thing he (unfortunately) did with Covid restrictions. He left it to the states because he knew he had no Federal authority to impose his will. You know... following THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION.
So yes, Democrats are to blame for all the ridiculous Covid bullshit that did nothing but ruin people's lives. Though I should say the Uniparty is a thing, and there are many shitbag Republicans who went along with it to line their own pockets too.
In some sick way, I am happy that Democrats are showing their true colors now. Let these kids protest. Let them burn down college buildings and cities at large. The cities are all Democrat run anyway, which is why they are shitholes now with out of control crime. Let every fucking liberal living in a city get EXACTLY what they have voted for. They deserve it.
Hamas can rot in hell. I frankly don't give a shit about Palestine. Individuals I've seen video of from there literally say they don't believe Israel should exist. As far as Israel goes, I know they are our ally, but I am tired of our tax dollars going to all these foreign wars. I understand having allegiance and such with other countries, but it is tiring at this point. And I do think Israel can take care of themselves.
I've got no issue with Jewish people. Their men are hot as hell. They've never thrown gays off of buildings that I've ever seen videos of. I've never seen a Jew fly a plane into a building, leaving the living dead to jump to their deaths or burn alive. Hell, Jews created Hollywood, didn't they? So I guess every psycho, mentally ill liberal (though I repeat myself) needs to give away all their movie collections, stop going to Comic Cons and never pay to see a movie in a theater again.
But, they won't because liberals are hypocrites. And narcissists too. I've really seen a huge correlation between narcissistic behavior and liberalism. Speak of, I just heard that Ben Affleck's daughter came out as "tRaNs" at her fucking grandfather's funeral. Right there at the podium, during this poor old guy's mass, she made it all about her. Which is what every narcissist and every liberal does. I'd feel bad for Ben Affleck if I didn't already think he was a fucking asshole.
Whether we are talking about Nancy Pelosi or the commie feminist cunt cat lady next door... liberals are dangerous. Stupidity in general is a dangerous thing. They are the enemies of freedom, of free speech, free expression, free thought. They are the enemies of this country and everything it stands for. That's why they hate it here so much and never waste a moment trashing this U.S. and the people in. Yet, none of them will fucking leave. Which would solve everyone's problems.
Oh what a wonderful world it would be.