Mar 28, 2024 08:16
I don't think I ever came up with a nickname for my friend who cuts my hair, who was my neighbor growing up. I've struggled for months to think of one. I am just going to pull the trigger and call her Stacey. Both a nod to the Bond girl played by Tonya Roberts in 'A View To A Kill' and a nod to Stacey Peterson, whose body is somewhere out there rotting in a blue barrel because of her murderer cop husband, Drew.
She's having a similar issue right now. She's been dating this cop off and on for several years. Their relationship has been one big drama from the start. All signs point to him being a narcissist (who isn't these days) based on the behavior she's observed and what we've talked about. He very obviously manipulated her for years, played on her insecurities and it took her forever to find the self-esteem and will within herself to end things about a month or so ago.
I knew before that that the guy was psychotic and dangerous. Not only because he's just a loser with low self-esteem, but because he's a police officer. Those two things combined together and you've got ex-girlfriends and ex-wives showing up dead.
When the whole "Back the Blue" thing started years back, I understood the gist of it. Police are just trying to do their jobs (most of the time) and the media and liberals piled onto them because of several incidents. The big one, George Floyd, was just stupid all the way around. The cop probably shouldn't have been kneeling on the guys neck, but the coroner's report I heard about later said with the drugs in his system and his heart condition that Floyd would have been dead that day no matter what. He was a drug addict loser, and that's no one's fault but his own. Did he deserve to die? No. But, why is it people can't just calm down and do what the police say.
Oh, I know why. Because the left has generated this whole narrative where all pEopLe oF cOlOr are innocent no matter what they do because of history or some bullshit. So pEoPle Of CoLorEd pEoPle get it in their mind that they can get away with anything, and try. They believe that the police are specifically targeting them. The media pushes the race war narratives and Democrat politicians throw gasoline on the flames. How about everyone just follow the rules, regardless of skin color or role in life? Instead, major Democrat run cities across the country currently deal with out of control crime and there's an endless number of videos on YouTube showing younger kids raiding stores and driving cars through front windows.
Don't believe your lying eyes though. You're a racist for even observing it.
But, I am not really a fan of the police. I don't trust them at large. I've had both positive and negative encounters with them. But, unfortunately, as with all groups in life, the bad people usually stick out and ruin it for the good ones. Hell, I remember in school constantly being punished along with the collective group for the behaviors of one or several assholes in the class. Assholes ruin it for everyone. Look at the Rainbow Community. I have no desire to be associated with those pedophiles and loser liberal drug addicts. Yet, when some average person hears I am gay there's a chance their first thought is that I want to trans their kids and replace the town's American flag with the pedo rainbow one.
Back to Stacey though. Her ex exhibited all the behaviors of one of those psycho cops. It made me nervous from the first time she described a negative issue with him. They'd broken up and gotten back together several times over the years. I am only wise now because of my own personal dating experiences, but come on already. Maybe get back together once and learn why it is you broke up. But it's never going to work. Especially with how he was tearing her esteem down constantly.
They'd split, she'd be baited into responding to his manipulative texts (some of which she'd screenshot and sent to me over the years). Classic manipulator. I'd urge her to block him, just so she could have time to step back and heel. She'd never listen. In fact, this last time she didn't even listen. As late as this morning she still made a comment about him having a "come to Jesus moment" about their relationship. There is no such moment coming. There is freedom and escape from him, or there is living in his alternate reality of narcissism. She claims to be feeling strong and knows she made the right decision. She has a tendency to say such things and then fall right back into the pit. But, for now she still does have him blocked.
She said she went out with a friend last night and it felt great not having the pressure of his psychotic behavior to worry about. We both thought the same thing after that text, because as I sent her a comment about ending up in a blue barrel, she sent me a gif of some guys passing a large plastic barrel between them.
The guy is crazy. And probably feels even more justified being a cop and having that backup plan of wielding that power on her. She'd had him blocked for over a week and this crazy psychopath actually texted one of her kids. That, to me, is crossing a huge line. If he wasn't a cop I would have told her to go to the police immediately to at least file a report or something. That way when she disappears into a barrel at least they'd have a suspect. He also dropped cookies off at her front door. I doubt he baked them, but it's still completely psychotic. This is all scary, dangerous behavior.
No doubt due to the fact that he is a control freak, and she took that control away from him and is so far not giving it back. He is probably going crazy in his own mind right now. I told her that this seemingly "nice" behavior he's trying to pretend to do this week will likely soon turn to rage and he'll find some way to lash out. Since he can't text her and manipulate her that way, he may do so on social media or perhaps do a famous narcissist tactic of triangulation, where he attempts to turn their mutual acquaintances against her.
I don't know if she knows his boss, and his boss is obviously a cop and they like to protect their own, but I would consider calling that guy and expressing the concern about this psychopath. I told her she should make very public postings on social media, with screenshots, if this keeps up. A further way to cover her ass and maybe prevent her from ending up at the bottom of a lake.
People always think that kind of stuff doesn't happen to them, just to other people. But, in my opinion, there are a lot of stars aligning here and I do believe this guy is truly dangerous. She's told me enough about him that I can see a personality pattern. I've known people with his characteristics. If I was her, I'd be fucking scared. Hell, I am not sure he even knows my last name but I am scared to drive out to see her next time because he might show up behind me with his little lights spinning and throw me in jail just to get back at her.
Stacey is a very attractive woman. Especially for her age. The trouble is, looking that good attracts a shit ton of crazy. I went out with her once to a bar near her house. I saw how the straight guys in the place were drooling over her. She's never going to meet someone when all these middle-aged straight guys are a bunch of losers. Her ex-husband was the same too, which I chastised her for when she met this new guy whose personality seemed oddly the same. The ex-husband was psychotic and paranoid and constantly monitoring her and thinking she was cheating (which means he was likely the one doing so).
The first time I got my haircut with her, she had a studio in her house she worked from. This lunatic showed up just to walk past the door and "check me out" because he was so jealous and apparently did not believe her when she said I was gay and he had nothing to worry about.
I've commented in the past how, as a group, I can't help but look at modern straight men and see them as pathetic. Again, because the bad ones stand out. I've known so many with no direction, no esteem, completely screwed up ideas about what "being a man" meant. And especially in my and Stacey's generation, both men and women seem to have no respect for any aspect of relationships. They all cheat, they all lie, they all think they deserve something better (often without giving something better themselves), they're all divorced with broken families. It's just pathetic. What the fuck are you people doing?
Why is it I, as a gay man, seem to have a better grasp on healthy relationship dynamics? Why is it *I* have more respect for the institution of marriage than then people the institution was meant for? I am generalizing, but still. You're the progenitors of the human race. Get your shit together.