The Most Virtuous Pearl-Clutchers

Jan 10, 2024 17:09

The past few months we've gotten into watching reaction videos on YouTube of various people watching movies or TV shows for the first time. I enjoy seeing said reactions from a few, though I do think often the majority are people faking their reactions for clicks. After all, a majority of the people on the Internet are faking everything they do and who they present themselves as, in desperate need of attention and validation.

One guy in particular I watch is EOM Reacts, who totally reminds me of a black version of my old friend Joey. Not in his size, as Joey might take the comparison, but just in his facial reactions, his speech, his mannerisms. He really comes across as a clone sometimes. He's hilarious, and easily frightened, which for me just adds to the joy of watching his videos. I've watched him and this other couple's channel previously react to Mel Brook's 'Blazing Saddles'. It was interesting to see how black people in 2023 (as it was last year) would react to such a movie for the first time.

The couple was more interesting because you could see the wife was shocked and potentially offended from almost the beginning, but she gradually warmed up and "got it" by the end. Then all of them recall that they'd heard the fact that Richard Pryor was one of the writers for the film. I guess in their minds it "kinda" makes all the jokes okay. Though I am sure there's still some pseudo-offense to them seeing a white person use "their" word.

I watched another today with this young asian kid. I think he was around 22. I was about to block his channel, as I often do because YouTube incessantly recommends all these reaction channels now and from most of the thumbnails you can tell the people are either awful, or faking it. Early on I tried out other channels, but most of the ones I tried were terrible.

It was interesting though to see this kid (and the others from his generation I watched) react to this classic comedy film that I was watching from as early as I can remember. I must have seen it on cable when I was only like 6 or 7... maybe earlier. Not to mention a myriad of other films that would be considered "offensive" today.

A few key scenes actually made me want to put my impressions down. One involved the scene with the Klan members waiting in line, and the other was when they showed the Warner Brothers cafeteria and someone dressed as Hitler was front and center sitting down at a table.

With the KKK part, this kid made sure to act shocked and appalled. He was sort of doing this subtly from the start of the film. The minute the first character dropped the word "nigger" he was clutching his pearls and acting offended. Though he was also laughing after and you could see him having this inner conflict over whether he should be offended or if he would allow himself to enjoy the humor. So way before the KKK part, he was putting on this performance of confused offense, commenting several times about the movie being "controversial" and how it "couldn't be made today".

I am not even sure the kid was necessarily performing specifically for the camera. I think these days these kids are just programmed to act that way. They have to make sure to act offended at everything, simply to fit into their peer groups. I say it all the time, and kids, especially teenagers, are stupid and most of them have one main goal in life, and that is to fit in and belong with their collectives. Not unlike the mentality of the modern leftist. (I was wondering how far I could go before I started shit-talking liberals).

So, yes... the KKK scene, a classic, hilarious scene that this kid almost missed out on because he was too busy making sure he showed how upsetting and offended he was just at the simple sight of the white KKK outfits. And I do believe it too. These kids today (said in an old man voice) only have to see the image of something before their autonomic reaction system kicks in.

When I see a KKK outfit, I often think of this very scene in 'Blazing Saddles' or of 'Smokey and the Bandit, Part III'. I don't think of the horrible history of the outfit. I don't generally think about how the Democrat party started the Klan. I don't want to think of the atrocities most of the time. I just look at the outfit and think of all the times I've seen them portrayed as clowns in cinema. Back when movies were allowed to be funny, and were funny.

This kid though, he had to make sure the viewers knew he was bothered.

Then came the scene with Hitler. It's just a sight-gag scene. The guy playing Hitler as some brief dialog. I can't remember what it was right now, nor could I hear when watching this kid because this moment was when he put on his biggest performance of the video. Hands clutched over his mouth, eyes wide. He needed to make sure everyone knew how shocked and appalled he was at the very site of someone dressed as Hitler. Forget the fact this was a comedy film. That Mel Brooks is famous for mocking Hitler. Not that this kid probably has a clue who Mel Brooks is.

When they showed the scene of Dom DeLuise playing the gay movie director he thought THAT was Mel Brooks. He also seemed to more openly laugh at the scenes making fun of gay men. It made me wonder if he was gay, or if he only cares about pretending to care about racisms against blacks.

I also wonder what it is like to be a young person in "current year". It has to be an awful, sad, humorless existence. They aren't allowed to laugh at anything. They are constantly trying to find the next thing to be offended by. They can't enjoy life because they want to constantly either be a victim, or claim their existences are somehow victimizing other people.

I mean, when I was a teenager and in my twenties, I was miserable. I was confused about life. Brutalized at school. I swam deep in a pool of self-hatred. Having been raised Catholic, I thought God was punishing me. And of course, being gay I was near suicidal half the time at being cursed. But, I remember laughing with friends, when I had them. I remember we'd talk about anything. We were braver in our conversations as kids than I have ever seen with most adults.

My interaction with people has dropped severely since moving out of the city in 2016. I cannot imagine having three-quarters of the conversations we used to drunk at the bar these days. We would literally be thrown out and banned. It has to be so stressful to worry about every word that comes out of your mouth. I recall one time after I moved and I went back to hang out with the Doctor at The Call, I think. It might have been Sidetrack. And he expressed some opinion about Roe V. Wade that was totally anti the liberal position. Some guy heard our conversation, walked over and felt it was his duty to comment and shame the Doctor about what he had said.

That's a liberal for you though. You are simply not allowed to have a different opinion. I cannot even understand why the Doctor still is. We joke that it is out of fear. He is so afraid of what the friends he has left (or one particular one) would say or do if he expressed his real opinions. But, they come out when we coax him enough.

Back to it though. This kid claimed that he "mostly" liked the movie, "except the controversial parts". Of course, the "controversial parts" are the funniest parts of the whole film. I wonder how he even really enjoyed any of it. Or perhaps, he liked it all but he felt the need to put on this act and pretend like certain parts were "too much" for his sensibilities. That way he wouldn't offend his uptight, liberal friends but at the same time he could also mirror what all the other YouTubers who watched the movie said. Because they all watch the same damn movies and I know it's not a coincidence. They're just copying off each other because of how creatively bankrupt they all are.

I've been the "get off my lawn" type of old man for 15 years. Or more. I was bitching about women being in the gay bars in 2005, when people were telling me I was overreacting and it wouldn't get any worse. And now we are in a world where gay bars barely exist because everyone is supposed to just intermix with everyone and no one can have their "own spaces". Well, unless you're black... because now leftist blacks, and the white liberals trying to save them, want segregated everything now.

I mean, the humor of reality writes itself. And none of these morons see the irony of any of it because they are all just so stupid. You have black people in "current year" cheering for segregation. And white people, whose ancestors weren't even here (if it matters) when slavery was going on begging for forgiveness for imagined sins. All on the Internet of course, to get the maximum amount of attention they can for how "virtuous" they are.

It's fucking clown world.

movies, liberals, politics, funny, gay, virtue signaling, political correctness, reflection

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