Oct 27, 2023 11:32
Years ago now the Boss made this big push at work for all of us to document everything so that we wouldn't be so reliant on having to ask each other for help if there were specific things only one person knew how to do. This mostly applied to Taco, since he is the most versed in everything out of all of us and is often the most likely to go through training.
The irony, of course, is that Taco doesn't want to document anything. And he hates helping people, because in my opinion, he thinks we should all just be able to figure stuff out. Now, I can agree to an extent on that. But, I also help out when I can. This was a major issue with him when he first started. And though the Boss says he's lightened up a bit, I still struggle to get him to assist me when I need it. And I really, really hate having to ask him. So much so that some of my projects have been put off for weeks or months because of my apprehension in having to get his assistance.
The thing is that he at least on the surface really seems to like me. And we generally don't have any interpersonal issues. He has always and still constantly texts me to bitch about the Dummy, Lezzo or even the boss. I'm not stupid though, and I know if he is bitching this hard about all of them all the time he absolutely must be saying something about me to someone. There's no way that he's not.
I don't care really. If he were to comment on my lack of motivation or laziness or helplessness, he'd be right on most accounts. I don't try very hard. I haven't for years, having had some hard lessons here and being dumped on by everyone in the early days. Hell, even Taco almost immediately when he started tried pushing work off on me the same as Miss Managed. I've sort of worked that all out by isolating myself and my clients for the most part so that I don't have to directly deal with anyone. But, unfortunately I do need help once in a while when I am expected to do something I've never done before.
This is all due to the new backup systems I setup at two of my clients. I did the bulk of the work myself, without asking for help (aside for specs on what to order). I was quite proud of myself for that. But, we setup the cloud portion of the backups using Amazon's AWS, which I have zero experience with. I did debate after Taco set the accounts up for me Wednesday just trying to figure it out on my own, but I decided against it because I didn't want to do it wrong. I know in the end the setup will be easy, I just need the guidance.
He said he'd be able to today. But, of course, this morning when I asked he said he was busy at the Playpen and "might" be able to connect with me this afternoon. "Might". I gave him an out by responding back and saying that if it was easy enough to just type up the steps, we could do that as I don't necessarily need him to hold my hand through the whole thing. I am pretty good at working things out most of the time. No response on that yet... and it's been over an hour.
This all goes back to the documentation thing from way back. Had he just written down how we do this setup, I could have referred to those instructions days ago. Instead I am waiting for him to be in the mood to help me. This all only makes me feel stupider, since I know it is not going to be complicated. The other main issue with all of this is the fact that both these clients currently have zero cloud backups, because their old backup licensing expired. Had I not dragged my feet on this, there may have been more overlap... but here we are.
If either of these places blows up or something, all their data will be lost. And that will be on me. It's no small gamble I am making here. Though it is also no big deal what I am asking for. It shouldn't be a struggle to get assistance from a coworker. After all, we're all in this together... especially at a company as small as we are. Everything that happens at every client affects all of us, even if we don't have direct dealings with each other's.
So I sit and wait and have this thing loom over my entire day. And wonder if he'll actually ever get back to me. If he'll forget. Or if he'll suddenly be calling at 6 P.M. to finally want to deal with it. Life is all about having to do things we don't want to do. Just suck it up and help me already.