"I think the point is to make us despair."

Aug 03, 2023 07:44

We had the unfortunate circumstance fall upon us to witness the trailer for the new film 'The Exorcist: Believer'.

Now, I have no love for Hollywood and the film industry in its current iteration. In my opinion there is nothing worthy of viewing, let alone worthy of giving one's hard-earned money for, being produced these days... with only a microscopic few exceptions. Modern writing is mundane, childish and/or thoroughly dumbed-down... either because the writers think the audience is stupid (which I struggle between believing is absolutely true and just assuming the liberal snobs are looking down on everyone, as is their nature) or due to the fact the writers themselves are just incompetent, incapable and otherwise have nothing interesting to say or to contribute. Of course, why can't both be true.

When it comes to the horror genre in particular there has been this trend where they try to (and sometimes successfully) rope in the normie masses, who gush and praise certain films as the "pinnacle of their art form" when they previously looked down their noses at the entire genre. I always recall 'A Quiet Place', a comically bad and uncreative film that the normie audiences flocked to and praised like the second coming. I will never forget the Three Stooges, slapstick moment in the movie when a bedsheet accidentally turned an errant nail sticking out of a staircase up and the mother steps down on it whilst trying not to scream... we literally busted out laughing in the theater.

There is even a term for it all: Elevated Horror. So fucking pretentious.

Now, I can only assume that this new 'Exorcist' movie falls in this category. It is a Blumhouse production after all. The studio that gave us the "elevated" new 'Halloween' trilogy. Again, a series of films GUSHED over by normie audiences who clapped and cheered every time some reference was made to the original series... because, let's face it, most modern movies in general cannot exist on their own. They can only do so by referencing earlier, better films, made by competent directors and intelligent writers.

I can certainly give credit where credit is due and say the Blumhouse film 'The Invisible Man' was actually pretty good and entertaining, with great suspense. Of course, it involved the talents of Leigh Whannell who helped forge the 'Saw' series and I suppose at this point can be considered a "veteran" of horror movies.

In general though, there is nothing out there but disappointment. So, when I discuss this new 'Exorcist' sequel, I can only do so based on my past experiences coupled with what was shown in the trailer.

My first thought was that the level of creativity of the writers was likely at its pinnacle when they decided to have TWO girls being possessed instead of one like the original film. I can picture it now, a writer's room with a big, round conference table they are all sitting around throwing out ideas and one of them pipes up and says, "what about having TWO little girls possessed" and then everyone else around the table stands up and claps at the "genius" of such a suggestion.

Because it is "current year" I cannot help myself but comment on the fact that one of the two little girls is black. Now, at any other point in the past if this would have occurred, I would have thought nothing of it. But it's 2023, so immediately upon seeing this character my only thought was that she was cast because of her skin color. Not because of any talent on her part. Not because of some requirement of the script. It's 2023, and I've spent almost a decade now listening to screeching liberals crying about how black people can only be victims and can never stand on their own without white liberals (most often bored housewives and single women) lifting them up and "saving" them.

As I think I said in my review of the awful pile of shit that was 'Scream 6', it's kinda sad because perhaps the girl IS talented. Perhaps there are many, MANY talented people out there who happen to be black in the film industry. But, because of the world the insane Left has created, you just have to assume any black actor in any role now is a diversity hire. They Academy themselves as well as others in Hollywood have said there are now requirements they expect for "dIvErSiTy". It seems kinda insulting, doesn't it. I certainly wouldn't want to be given anything in life simply because I am gay. In fact, it'd feel pretty shallow.

Just as I am a person with vast depth and experience and value, and most definitely one with something to contribute to the world, so must I assume is this actress they chose and any other decent person who happens to be gay or black or female or whatever... But, all of those things are irrelevant, because the Left says they need someone to fill a slot who looks a certain way or checks a box. (Sounds like actual discrimination to me).

Now, whether or not that is true for this movie, it is irrelevant because that is the world they've created and given voice to. I cannot help but see it that way thanks to their efforts.

So yes, their creative genius dictated that there would now be TWO possessed girls. Stunning and brave.

Then you have the nostalgia bait. The cringy, eye-rolling nostalgia. I have to go back and reference one (or all) of the 'Jurassic World' movies. When those trailers came out, one or more of them had this "deconstructed" version of the famous John Williams theme music. They took like the first three or five notes of the theme and then dragged them out in this horrendous, almost meme worthy piece of music... as if those notes would make all the man-children watching start clapping, "I KNOW THISSSS!!!!". It was laughable and awful and I can hear it in my head right now. "Duuuuuuuuhh, duuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

This 'Exorcist' trailer did the same thing. They dropped in the first few notes of 'Tubular Bells', like a dog whistle to the past. As if the music would even be able to give validity to this pile of shit. And the music wasn't the only reference. The entire trailer was filled with dialogue and images referencing the original, vastly superior film. All culminating in the appearance of Ellen Burstyn as her character from the first movie.

Except now, instead of just being some actress/mother desperately trying to find help for her daughter while living in utter fear of what is happening, she is now this strong, stunning and brave woman who they at least paint in the trailer to suddenly be *the* exorcist specialist. It's just fucking ridiculous. The woman packed her daughter into a car and fled D.C. at the end of the first movie. She wasn't even present for the exorcism in the movie. It's just dumb.

It also felt insulting that they threw in a picture of Linda Blair in one of the clips. Not that I'd even want her to be anywhere near this steaming pile of feces, but it's insulting all the same. She was part of what made the first film so great, even if the sequel bombed. I am assuming there's some liberal, Hollywood reason why they decided not to ask her back. Unless they did and she refused.

Another comical aspect of the bad writing is that the Catholic ritual is no longer "good enough" to be able to perform the exorcism. Now they need to reference ALL the different methods across "many cultures". This feels like it falls into the same category of "genius" as having two possessed girls instead of one. There's no actual creativity here, they just see what was done before and try adding to it and multiplying it to make it bigger.

Oh my god, I am just literally laughing to myself writing this and having just rewatched the trailer. It is SO bad, and yet there will probably be normies out there and braindead kids who go see this movie and think it is better than the original. Probably the same kind of people who declare "tHe oRiGiNal iSn'T eVeN ScARy". Dear lord, how far must we keep falling.

The shining light of hope is the fact they are rereleasing the original at theaters in October. We almost already bought our tickets, but we were waiting on figuring out which day worked for everyone. I'll probably pick them up by the end of this week.

I never even really loved the original at first. I knew of it as it was a pop culture phenomenon. I saw the parody 'Repossessed' with Leslie Nielsen and Linda Blair from the 90s. In 2000 I think it was, they rereleased the movie with cut footage re-added in, including the famous "crab walk" and the "subliminal demons". I don't really remember what my reaction was at that time. I likely saw it at least once more after that.

Then a few years ago around Halloween I read the novel, which I thought was excellent and it really had a creepy vibe to it. I'd forgotten much of what happened in the movie so that made it a fun experience. And then after finishing it I wanted to see the film again, which I watched with the Sparrow and it was his second time (I think) seeing it. The first was years before and he said he found the movie laughable. This new time he absolutely LOVED it and says to this day that he thinks it is his favorite film.

I do think it is a good movie, though it definitely feels subdued compared to the horror movies that have come since (yet, ironically I do think that is one of its strengths). The atmosphere more than anything is really what makes the movie great. And of course, Linda Blair's performance is excellent. Whereas these new girls in the trailer feel like they are acting like Linda Blair, in the original Blair really comes across as a girl possessed.

We have no intentions of seeing this film at the theater. If we are able to view it some day without paying for it, we would likely sit down just to torture ourselves seeing it. 'The Nun II' and 'Saw X' are also both coming out this Halloween season. The original 'Nun' film had atmosphere, but wasn't very good. But, we may go check it out as the original film holds a bizarre special meaning for us. We both LOVE the 'Saw' series, though 'Jigsaw' was mostly anti-climactic and 'Spiral' came out when movies really started becoming shit... I feel like we'll probably give the new movie a chance.

So much for my "anti-movie going" stance.

movies, liberals, review, horror, observation

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