Jul 12, 2023 16:45
We watched 'Pretty Woman' last night. The Sparrow had never seen it. I genuinely don't think I had seen it since it came out in 1990. I can't even remember if I saw it at the show, but I think I probably did even though it was rated R. I definitely remember the hype around it, and I remember owning the soundtrack. I probably had it on VHS too.
I have to say, it was actually incredibly funny and charming. I remembered very few things about it except for the "steaming divot", George Costanza trying to rape Julia Roberts and the scene in the clothing store with the snotty women. Upon this viewing I was just taken aback by how much humor was in the film. I don't remember it being that funny. Of course, it is possible I was too young to get some of the humor. And while the "romance" portion of the film was sort of predictable and by the book, it was still quite entertaining and moving. You really feel yourself rooting for the characters.
I did remember as we got into it the hotel manager, who I found to be a great supporting character and I was anticipating his scenes as it was all coming back to me.
I just cannot fathom a film like this being made in "current year". There's few, if any, in Hollywood that could write to this level of competence. Not to mention the politics and feminist agenda bullshit would just ruin the very ability of a movie like this being made. It is very sad. I am sure there are a great many cliches in the movie that are considered utterly offensive today, but it probably made them all that much more endearing. There is nothing more exhausting and un-fun than "current year" ideologies.
It is also amusing that Julia Roberts was only 21 when she got the role, so likely only about 22 during filming. I remember thinking how old they both looked to me back then. Though, Richard Gere was 39 or so... kinda scandalous (not that I have room to talk).
I dunno, it's just refreshing seeing good entertainment.
We were watching an Andrew Klavan video afterward about art in our modern times. He considers the apex of modern music to have been the 1930s through the 1950s with a decline afterward. I tend to think the decline began in the 90s, but still find the music from that era and into the 2000s to be okay. Though, modern music starting in probably the mid 2000s really lost my interest and I would barely consider any music released today to be considered "art" at all.
I actually remember very distinctly losing my interest in music when I would go out to the bars. It was whenever Taylor Swift released that god-awful song 'Party in the USA' that I knew it was all going downhill. Especially with how annoying all the fags were that wouldn't shut up about that song.
I don't think the Sparrow really believes me when I say I was at least as into music as he is now. And that some day, he will be like me, and think that "modern music" is awful. He just hasn't reached that age yet. But, I know because he is so into music that someday the low quality of new stuff being produced will become evident to him. He already says that music from the 70s and 80s is of a different caliber than the stuff today.
I often joke about how modern rap music especially is written at about a first grade level... that is, if first graders knew about bitches and hoes and money and drugs. He retorts that music from decades past focused on all those very same subjects, but I just feel personally, the songs that did at least did so more eloquently than the songs of today. And I say all this knowing some of the music from the past I've liked is complete garbage.
I am still learning to this day that some of the dance songs I loved when I went clubbing were actually remakes of older songs that were popular when I was a child. It seems that they've been recycling since I was born.
I'm off track here, because Klavan was really talking about how these changes in music and art reflect the society they are in. It was all very interesting. Modern art being one of the main topics of his video... talking about the low skill level at which "art" is created these days compared to the mastery of sculptors and painters from the Renaissance and Ancient Greece. It also ties in with a video I watch of Dennis Prager earlier talking about how modern art is often oddly focused on the scatalogical these days.
I'm really not doing much justice to any of this right now. I had just wanted to write about watching that movie and was laughing thinking about Norm MacDonald talking about 'Kojak' to Jerry Seinfeld and quoting a line about a dead hooker.