Jun 13, 2005 08:39
I get here this morning at 6:30 and proceed to start setting up the extra machines per the complete idiocy of yesterday. Little Dick comes in and I was so irritated I just asked him straight out if he remembered our conversation Friday afternoon about the number of machines in the room and him saying ”ten”. Well, of course he doesn’t remember. Then he’s telling me we only need eleven, not thirteen like the payroll woman called and said yesterday.
None of these idiots knows what is going on!
So the CG’s assistant gets here and after we get everything squared away we’re sitting in the room together and she says to me that the payroll woman was going off yesterday about how the lack of machines was all my fault and I don’t know what I am doing etc etc. Even though, and the CG’s assistant said she said this, I was working directly off of lists and emails given to me by everyone else. That if there was any error it was on the end of the organizers of this and not me. But that fat cow payroll cunt will twist the story any way she can so that the blame falls on me.
And that is just fucking fine. To think just this past Friday I felt bad for how I talk about her. That maybe I am being a harsh asshole sometimes by being so derogatory and that there was a miscommunication that lead to that whole printer fiasco. Fuck That Shit. This woman is an ’A’ Number 1 Cunt. She’s the kind of bitch that needs an abusive husband that slaps her around, rapes her at night and keeps her ass in the kitchen where it fucking belongs. Fucking fat, useless ovary sack. Nothing would give me more pleasure than kicking this woman square in the face with my steel-toed Sketchers. Fucking piece of SHIT!
I am so furious right now. I swear to fuck I am going to lash out at anything within twenty feet of me that moves. Dealing with this asinine, inferior shit. Another point of idiocy... one of the people I was told was in the class, that didn’t even know he was in the class, is now not in the class. Thirty minutes before the trainer gets here they are still jockeying the list around. They don’t have a fucking clue here which hole they even shit out of. Insignificant, brainless little peons. People like this are too stupid to even be alive.
In other furious news, that bilingual cunt that demanded I swap those printers for her last week is now bitching the thing won’t print landscape. It seems, like a pathetic fucking loser with no life, she was in here on Saturday and it wouldn’t work. The fucking woman who could not have been patient and waited until it could be done properly is now dealing with the consequences of her impatience and saying her and I are going to ”come to blows” over this. I guarantee you, there would not be a happier day in my life than the one where I could physically assault one of the bitches here. Nothing would bring me greater pleasure than to knock one of them to the floor. So you come right over here you androgynous whore and bring it on.
I am definitely on my way to villainy. As I was enraged yesterday I happen to look at myself in the mirror in my kitchen, and my right eye seems to have become severely lazy. I look like a psychopath now.
I spent my evening doing what I love to do best when I am this angry, fantasize about everyone in the world dead and me being the only one left to wander the empty streets alone. So I watched '28 Days Later' and then laid in bed enraged for about two hours before I was able to fall asleep. Only to have nightmares all night that the undead were breaking into my bedroom window. How nice it would be though to just be all the fuck alone.
So much for Zen.
I am supposed to take MJ to Whole Foods tonight for his little attempt at eating healthy. I planned on running tomorrow and then possibly seeing ’Batman Begins’ on Wednesday after work. Thursday would be another running day and Friday is.. well, Friday. Of course, Thursday is the last day of training so no doubt I’d have to stay late and move those machines back. And the CG is counting on me getting everyone moved over to the new anti-virus server while he’s on vacation. Though, honestly, as much as I like the guy, I could give two shits. That might require me staying late too since it seems to have adverse affects initially on people’s network connections. But alas, I don’t want to stay late. I don’t care to stay late. And at all costs I will avoid staying let. Any suggestions that I should stay here until five if I got in early can be shoved up the respective ass.
Fuck the Circus.. I should have stayed at the lumberyard.