Reign of Shit

Aug 21, 2011 08:56

Four years. That's how much time passed where, every morning regardless of the day of the week or the holidays or the hangovers or if I was in someone else's bed, I had to get up and check those fucking servers for our clients. FOUR FUCKING YEARS.

This new kid at the office, The Prince, has been doing it about 2 months. Already he's asked for more days for me to do it for him than I think I did in all my years. He's just recently detailed how he will be gone several coming weekends on various trips (yet he did not ask me officially to do the checks for him). He takes on the task with all the seriousness of a clown throwing a pie in someone's face (namely mine).

And what consequences does he face if he doesn't do the task right (or at all)? None of course, because he's the partner's son.

So this morning, when 7:30 came and went. And 8:00 came and went. And 8:30 came and went. What will come of him as he has not yet even sent out an indication he's still breathing? Nothing of course. I sent an email at 8:00 asking if he'd only sent a message to the Boss (as he loves to do when he's late). Not a peep. It wasn't until 15 minutes later the Boss emailed back (as I had CC'ed him on my email) saying the kid must have had a rough night and overslept. Uh huh....

Maybe twice a year that would happen to me. But, that was after months and months of doing the task. This kid still needs to prove himself worthy to be getting a paycheck. All he's doing is coasting along. Working at home on Fridays. Going home during the week at 2:00. He's got it made. Do you think the Boss is emailing him at 4:00 on a Friday afternoon dumping some bullshit task on him? Of course not. I'm there for that (resentfully).

This kid has no respect for the job and no sense of responsibility. if he had either of those things, I'd have his fucking email by 7:30. Instead, *I* am left to send out inquiries as to his job. I'm left plagued with anxiety and fury all morning now from his ineptitude. I am the one left insulted by the fact that, for four years, I could have just done whatever the fuck I wanted. Why the fuck wake up early at all? I can just do what I want, when I want. I was an idiot and I wasted all those mornings I could have slept in. What a moron I was.

This is just adding to the already soured mood I had the past two weeks. Where it seems like the only person taking any responsibility or seriousness with his job there was me. You've got Managed, who does nothing. And the Taco, who can't be asked to do anything because he's too important. It leaves me, at the bottom of the hill, leap-frogged by the Prince and still getting a rain of shit down on me.

"Just get another job".... Fuck off. Do you know how hard it is for me most days to do my fucking dishes, let alone muster up the motivation and courage for an undertaking as life-altering as that. Most days I just want to kill myself to stop the pain. To even contemplate something so immense leaves me nauseous and mentally debilitated.

I'm trapped in this hell. I don't know what to do to get out. And even if I did know what to do, I lack the ability, the strength and the confidence to do it. I am in this rut until I die here. Miserably.

the prince, work

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