Demon Tales, and other assorted nightmares.

Oct 19, 2006 20:49

I have a test tomorrow that I'm putting off studying for.  Someone re-read all my old homework and gimme the gist of it.

Someone else buy me a white cowboy hat for Halloween.

And someone else clean my room.

I'm sorry.  That was rude.  Let's start over.

So I have a test tomorrow in Concrete and Steel Structures.  I'm putting off studying for it, because there not really that much I can do but review.  So, I'll do it a little later.  And then again in the morning.  It will work out well, I'm sure.  It's just daunting.  La Da Deee, La Da DAAAAAA!

I'm going as Eli Cash for Halloween.  I have just about everything...Except for a white cowboy hat.  I may just end up buying a cheap one from Target or something and spray painting it white.  I also need to attach some tassels to my jacket.  But, that's not that hard....Just need to take a trip to Jo-Ann Fabrics...

Lorax played it's first 'gig' yesterday.  Well, psedo-gig.  We were asked by a friend of Evan's to play at Alpha Chi's "Serenade."  I'm not exactly sure what was going on....but we played them a song that Matt and Evan had written earlier that day.  I accompanied their guitar and mandolin with bongos.  So, it was really just the members of the band, only one of which was playing their assigned instuments, playing a hokey song.  But, it got us some exposure, and a little time in front of an audience.

Oh, and in case anyone that reads this doesn't know.  Halloween Party at my house (929 Cooper) on the 28th.  Wear a costume.  And enjoy the music of my band, and my buddy Mike's band.  COME ONE, COME ALL!

Also, I'm wearing knee-high, blue socks right now.
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