I am the Jesse Radin virus!

Dec 22, 2024 18:19

I control the internet itself. I can stop the Google monopoly and destroy Wikipedia!

Four years after the Anna Kournikova virus, my nudity scandal hit the SRN [Socially R-tarded Network, Aka YouThink, YT].

Google employees have it out for me because I exposed the poor conditions of temporary employment there. My 15 seconds of fame (or FIRST 15 seconds) came from a Business Insider article describing the arrogance of their employees.

Temps were roped off entirely from the Google machine, doing grunt work for wages barely above minimum, even by California standards. I've worked for several other technology companies, all of whom treated temps/contractors with at least a modicum of respect and paid significantly higher wages than Google.

Google has also ruined Mountain View with their useless bikes. It's either punk-ass teenagers riding them unsafely or Darf-darf [a slur for Indians I made up based on how they sound to me] employees riding them 5 mph in the bike lanes, making me nearly late for my temp job as a "GooDocs Reviewer" in 2012-13.

This ends now. I am reclaiming the internet for the inventors and entrepreneurs. It's time to stop coddling everyone with walled-off social media outlets. It's even worse than AOL was in the 1990s. Everyone is hidden from the way things used to be 20-25 years ago.

I am done playing by the rules. Done taking it up the ass like a good Jew. My enemies will fear me, and my allies will assist me.

Jimmy Wales is going down, too. Stupid leech. He is the worst Objectivist of all time.

anna kournikova, google, jesse radin

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