Aug 04, 2004 07:55
I stole this from Butters, who stole it from Katie, Might help with the familiarization process...
I n f o r m a t i o n
name: Robert William (Billybob) Jewell
single or taken: taken repeatedly
sex: Yes please (Male)
bday: Sept. 2, 1979
siblings: 2 (1 sister, two half brothers)
hair color: Blonde
eye color: Blue
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who is your Best Guy Friend? Butters, Dale, and Pikachu-No way I can choose between three such fine individuals
Best Girl Friend? My wife, yes, definitely my wife
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No, I have a wife, which is infinitely better, right sweetheart?
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop? HOME DEPOT
any tattoos or piercings: Um, not yet and not likely
s p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs?: Only prescribed ones to quiet the voices in my head
what kind of shampoo do you use?: I have no hair, that simplifies things immensely
what are you listening to right now?: The sound of one hand clapping
who is the last person that called you?: My phone says it was my wife, but I don't remember.
how many buddies are online right now?: Excellent question, for which I have no answer.
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: I need to be more assertive and less reserved :)
f a v o r i t e s
color: blue
pasta: Manicotti
boys name: William, Patrick
girls name: Anne
subjects in school: Welding (I went to a GREAT college)
animals: 4 cats (Frick, Frack, Frodo, and Daeaith)
sports: Football, Paintball, Baseball (same as butters but in a different order)
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
given anyone a bath?: yup
smoked?: tobacco? yes. Anything else? no
bungee jumped?: not yet
made yourself throw up?: not on purpose
skinny dipping?: yup
ever been in love?: Still am
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Haven't cried since 1989, so no.
cried when someone died?: See above
lied: yes.
fallen for your best friend?: yes.
been rejected?: yes.
rejected someone?: no
done something you regret?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
do you like fillings these out?: Not really, but how else can you know me?
gold or silver?: Neither
what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Hellboy
favorite cartoon?: Family Guy
who would you hate to be locked in a room with?: A chainsaw wielding maniac, or my wife when she's mad at me (prefer the maniac, though, less chance of injury)
who would you love being locked in a room with?: My wife when she's NOT mad at me (sorry maniac)
could you live without your computer?: Sure, but posting to this journal would suck.
would you color your hair?: See hair note above
could you ever get off the computer?: Depends if the computer finds me attractive or not.
habla espanol?: Solamente un poco
how many people are on your buddy list?: Maybe 25
drink alcohol?: Yes, but being a Lt. in the FD makes it more difficult. I'm expected to be available
like watching sunrises or sunsets?: Sunrises, because it's like a whole new chance at life. Plus you can go to Dennys for breakfast afterwards. I guess that's true of sunsets too, though.
current clothes: Sleeveless Shirt, SRLFD Shorts
music: None playing, "Spam" by Monty Python in my head
taste: Freezie-Pops!
make-up: yes, but kiss first
hair: Enough with the hair questions. It's enough to give a bald guy a complex
annoyance: Stupid 'Puter!
smell: The firehouse just after a fire. I love that smell
fav artist: Rodin, Michaelangelo
desktop picture: "Hey Grif-Chupathingy, how 'bout that? I like it- got a ring to it"
fav band: Traveling Wilburys (RIP Roy)
book you're reading: Anything by Clive Cussler (Presently Treasure)
cd in player: Traveling Wilburys, Vol. 1
dvd in player: Monty Python's Life of Brian
color of toenails: Toenail-colored
a r e | y o u
understanding: These questions? yes. Other people? not so much
open-minded: No, it's coverd by my skull
arrogant: Depends on your view of my attitude
insecure: No, why, did you hear something?
interesting: that's really for you to decide, now isn't it?(sorry for plagiarism Mike, but it was a good answer)
random: Devil Bunnies! I snort the nose, Lucifer! Banana! Banana!
hungry: Usually
smart: Smartass, but that's about it
moody: No, I'm not FUCK YOU FUCK YOU moody
hard working: Until the work is done, yeah
organized: Only in the sense that I can find my feet
healthy: Reasonably
shy: More than shows
difficult: Only if you don't wanna do things my way
attractive: To people, or Cape Buffalo?
bored easily: Only by boring people
messy: yes.
responsible: yes
obessessed: yes
angry: Stupid people piss me off
sad: When I have to be
happy: When I can be
hyper: hyperwhatdoyoumeanhyperimneverhyperidontknowwhatyouretalkingabout
trusting: too much sometimes
talkative: yes.
legal: Legally what?
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: Nobody. I'm a maimer
kiss: My wife, of course. Put down the knife, honey
get really wasted with: Butters, Pikachu, Ben
get high with: No, Towelie, we don't wanna get high
look like: Me. Otherwise no one would recognize me
talk to offline: My friends and other interesting people
talk to online: see above.
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: awake, but barely
all i need is: Freezie pops and my wife, not in that order
love is: Great if you can find it. Not so much if you're looking
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: Coke
flowers or candy: Candy
tall or short: If you're tall: short. If you're short: tall.
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: nope
save conversations: no.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: I used to be one (sorry Jerry)
cried because of someone saying something to you?: no.
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: once.
of continents i have lived in: one.
of close close friends: Four
of cds i own: Maybe 30
of scars on my body: Easier to count the places that don't have them
of things in my past that i regret: Only the things I didn't do