Just another day in paradise...

Aug 26, 2004 20:55

Hi-Ho, Kermit the Frog here...
Sorry, I'm having a Muppet-intensive moment. I finally bought "Muppet Treasure Island" so my wife could see it. What a great movie- Muppets AND Pirates. I don't know if it gets better than that with your clothes on.
Much work being done on the home front, removing paint at a record clip from the house. I spent this afternoon pressure washing three sides of the house to prepare for primer, hopefully this weekend. (Please Mr. Weatherman, give me nice weather.)
So I think I might have Ben, Julie, and Pikachu on the verge of moving from SRLFD to RLFD. Ben and Pik have seen the virtues of coming north, namely less b.s. and more fun. Don't think Chris is ready to give up the Lieutenant's spot, but hey, he could be a Lt. here in just two years (That's right, buddy, just 2 short years, and we'll throw in the Ronco Pocket Fisherman!) Ben seemed to have a really good time at our water rescue drill (In fairness, playing the victim is always the fun part), and at the LZ call. He had apparently never landed a helicopter before, and regarded it as kind of cool. Upon reflection, the first time I did it I thought it was awesome too, so I can see where he's coming from. I'd really like to give him a chance to ride old 543 to a call before it goes, just so he can say he rode an open cab pumper.
But enough firehouse talk. Let us speak of Paintball, that second most holy of sports, after football. Since Tuesday Ben, Chris, Mike and I have been working hard on a Secret Weapon for this Sunday. I cannot divulge the secret for fear of being arrested and cavity searched, but suffice to say it will strike terror into the hearts of our enemies and cause them to weep like little girls, provided of course that it works. I tested it today, and all signs are positive. Hopefully this will work, and we won't kill ourselves, which is my wife's somewhat pessimistic view on the matter. I am, however, beginning to worry about the level of thought that we're putting into this. Pretty soon the paint wars will have escalated to the point where we'll have to talk detente, or risk mutual nuclear paint annihilation. For those of you not farmiliar with nuclear paint, it's like regular paint but it glows in the dark and causes your hair to fall out.
Damn, I need a beer. Probably not a good idea, but still tempting. I find that being a Lt. has greatly reduced my drinking, as I now feel obligated to be sober as much as possible due to our lack of officers. Not that it matters, if I respond to a good call Captain Wonderful will kick me off the truck anyway. It's really depressing to show up to a call before anyone else and still not make the truck. I'm beginning to think about taking the Arrogant Worms' advice from their hit song "Malcom":

Billy solves his problems
by calling up his mom
Heather solves her problems
with drugs and alcohol
Daniel solves his problems
with a doctor and the law
But Malcom's got his own way,
and it's better than them all, 'cause

Malcom solves his problems with a chainsaw,
Malcom solves his problems with a chainsaw,
Malcom solves his problems with a chainsaw,
and he never has the same problem twice

But I guess it comes with the territory, along with all the benefits of being a Lt., like more work and nobody likes you anymore because you're always pissing someone off with the decisions you make. Boy, I can't imagine how much fun it must be to be Chief. Well, I'm pretty much out of words for now, so I'll leave you with the QUOTE OF THE DAY:

"All Right... Giggity Giggity Giggity"
-Glen Quagmire

Farewell, until we meet again, peace be with you, and may the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house!
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