Jun 22, 2005 15:08
I appreciate music in the various forms it comes in. The rythme of clapping or snapping your fringers. The tapping on a table when you're bored or waiting for something.The music on the radio or cd player. With music, you can do so many things. Make people happy, wanna get up and dance, sometimes even just bob ur head up and down to the beats because the sounds and lyrics feel good.
As I was driving around all day, I was listenning to the radio (like I have a choice cuz it don't have a cd player and the tape deck is jacked up)... and on the radio was a popular "rapper" 50cent. One of the many rappers I dislike greatly. In my opinion, the only true rappers to ever make it big are Tupac, and Eminem. These guys always kept things real and showed no fear in talking about their lives. I'm sure these guys have had their fair share of women and even done things to women that aren't all that respectable... but these guys didn't make the money they have by telling people in their music what they did to women. People like 50cent make their money by selling sex and abuse, lust and power... and theft... not stealing anything worth money, but stealing another man's girlfriend, which would bring me to another point about females on another post. Anyway...
When I was driving around, I changed the stations around and almost every hour, on the hour was 50cent being played. If it wasn't candy shop, it was another one of his tracks. His music is played way too much. Not only that, his music encourages the people that listen to it, mostly kids and teenagers, to treat women like less than what they really are. Human. The rap that's played most often played does just that. Encourages men to treat women like objects. I mean, if you can do something you're good at and make money this way, then go for it... But why in the hell do we let people like 50cent even talk about these sorta things. (I have nothing personal against 50cent, he just happens to be the rapper that has been played far too much, mostly candy shop.) I have a lot of respect for Eminem and Tupac because these guys gave to rap something that isn't doen often enough. They put everything into their music.
The main point I'm getting at beore this gets to redundant or loses it's meaning is this... Those same rappers that make their money demeaning women and talk about what position they did her and where they did her... These people are the same 2-faced guys that wear the Christian cross made of silver/gold/platinum around their necks... have tattoos about Jesus, and even make claims of how much they believe in the almighty God for helping them get this far in life. So what they're really saying is "Thanx God for helping me bang so many girls and make money talking about all these stupid girls I've done. Thanx God for helping me Take another man's girlfriend and/or wife." These are the guys who's music is played. These are the guys who's actions are overlooked when they do something against their religious beliefs like taking women and orgies. How sad is it that no one stops to think about this sorta thing. These guys are the kinda scum that use the power and influence they have to punk around other not so popular people... mostly men with gorgeous women. That's all for now.