We've had a full house here in Hawaii. Siri and Jen were here for awhile, and
Sarah Wynter and
Ngila Dickson, and
Sean and his daughters Beth and
Miranda and
John Travolta and
Sam Jackson for a day or two, and
J. Little Dommie has loved all the attention but frets for at least a day whenever anyone leaves. He especially missed Beth when she left; she's two, and they are just adorable together. This afternoon he's cranky again because J left earlier. Dommie loves pulling on his ears.
Dom's been working hard on the filming for Lost, and having mates here means that I'm allowed to muck about in the kitchen since there is adult supervision. Really, Dom, don't you trust me? Sean, Sam, and J all taught me a bit about cooking, so now I can make more than just porridge, bangers and mash, and frozen things. I'll never be as good as Dom, but at least I can do my fair share when he gets tired of take-out and the like. There's been lots of swimming and surfing and some snorkeling and scuba diving, too, and plenty of playing with the kids.
Last week Dom and I went to San Diego for ComicCon. I love cons, but it's amazing how tiring it can be to sign autographs and chat with fans all day and be on Q&A panels. Still, we had a great time. I can't resist sharing a few pics (small ones, I promise!) of Dom because he's just all sorts of fucking gorgeous and adorable and jksldfks1 and rawr. I just about burst with love and pride and gratefulness when I look at him and all the people mesmerized by him and think, "Aye, he comes home with me every night."