I'm doing fine

Sep 03, 2007 14:56

I can't say how much it has meant to me and Susan that So many of you took the time to express your caring for us in your own special way. Prayers said, energies sent, candles lit, phone conversations had and help rendered on emergency and as needed basis. I can't think of anyone more lucky than us to have friends, family near and far, and co-workers so at the ready. Even complete strangers for Pete's sake. I have experienced so much that restores my faith in people's basic humanity, and that is the real gift.

Attitudes are things. And maintaining a beneficial one is difficult, and I'm constantly reminded how easy it is to break one down, and how fast a simple kind word can build it right back again. They are fragile things in a weakened state, but nuturable.

For those that didn't know, in August I was preparing my house for painting when I fell 6 feet from a ladder and broke my ankle and foot in fairly complex fractures. But I didn't break my neck or back or blind myself, and I could have, and I am thankful. But then, as it turns out, an operation was needed -- four pins/screws -- and I was down in the dumps again. I was in mortal fear of going under anesthesia -- I'm not 25 anymore. But it went fine and I was back up again (after the morphine wore off. Gods I hate morphine).

In the middle of all that, our "Treble Oak" in our front yard lost one of her trunks to the years of drought and it crushed my Truck. The tree was older than 55 years, and because it was unbalanced we had to cut the other two trunks down as well -- one aimed at our bedroom, the other at the neighborhood power lines. A very sad loss to us, and we were both pretty quiet for a few days. And until the weather broke a week ago, the AC ran constantly without the shade it created on the house.

But we are back up again, and we will replant (with what we don't know yet), and I have a new (to me) truck.

And I can't wait until my cast comes off, but at least it's color coordinated (bright purple) with our niece's wedding at the equinox in Chicago.

And I say 'we', because I am being such a burden on Susan when I don't mean to be, and she holds me up so well and has been a paragon of strength for me. I just don't know what I would have done without her. Aside from taking care of me, she still managed to do all the days and days of research and preparation she needed for her presentation at Dragon-Con today. And she says it was well attended and people even asked questions and clapped at the end (first time she's done something that big, and that alone!) I am so proud of her. She's amazing to me and I love her very much.

My love and thanks and Brightest of Blessings to everyone!

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