Mar 19, 2006 00:43
well, athletically, the past 24 hours have sucked. Bama and UAB lost in the NCAA tournament, but, they both will be raw next year. i had a pretty good day. i gotout and drove around some, just to take in the sunshine. this morning, i took some medicine my mom had for migraines. it was an anti-depressant. i cant feel that i took it, but, i didnt have my temper today, and even certain things that usually bother me, didnt affect me as bad. i did start crying when i went in pet depot in cullman. they played that song 'listen to your heart' yea. winter formal thoughts popped in my head, and boom, im sitin on a dog house, cryin. i was cool after a minute or so. i came home and watched bball then chelsea called me. we talked another two hours. we basically talked online all day, then she calls after the bama game. she said 'you were hilarious durin the UAB game, but i know you take Bama more seriously. tomorrow, i am going to daniel's church. we need a change of scenery. monday, im going to my family doctor to talk to him about my problems, and then i will go from there. hopefully, i wont have to do a lot as far as doctor's visits. im still living for April 14. i cant wait! just talking to her makes me want to catch a flight to North Carolina. so, yea, i guess i have a new best friend, who lives 3 hours away. but, i need some sleep, i got 3 hours last night. fell asleep at 4, and was wide awake at 7. so, im out, holla.