Driven Wild

Jan 22, 2022 17:07

The studio computer continues to misbehave in various ways. When I fired up Cubase today, I got a lot of nasty, blocky video, despite having cleaned up the Nvidia drivers earlier. I checked the cable connections, which did something to improve the blockiness, but then Cubase crashed out while playing audio, which wasn't encouraging. I set Cubase to run as an administrator, after which I was able to run without crashing (at least once), but something is just not right.

Later, in Google Chrome, the screen replotting became very confused, refusing to refresh some parts of the screen when I changed browser tabs. There's a lot of video badness going on right now, which makes me suspect that the recent Windows update isn't agreeing with my aged video card. I'm hoping that a fix shows up.


computers, studio, home, musings, tech

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