Going Solo

Aug 04, 2020 16:20

Julie wants to be able to record herself with something that's going to sound better than the microphone in her cellphone. This is a noble goal. However, I am *not* going to spend my life down in the studio recording whatever she wants recorded and the setup down there is more troublesome than I want to entrust to a twelve-year-old.

I thought about buying her a USB microphone, but the good ones are either out of stock or priced above usual retail, which is par for the course for pandemic summer. It turns out that the Focusrite Scarlett Solo *is* available at a reasonable price now, so I picked up one of those for her. It arrived today and I set it up on the laptop. She's happy with how her voice sounds in the headphones, so that's good.

Now, I just need to get the mic patched into whatever she actually wants to be recording to. This may be some of the included software. We'll see.

kids, music, home, musings, tech

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