Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist

Jan 29, 2020 22:07

I had heard about the new NBC series, "Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist", and then I forgot about it until I was reminded of it by a casual mention in a newspaper article I was reading earlier this week. Oops.

It turns out that NBC showed one episode at the beginning of January and that the regular showings will start in February. This is extremely odd scheduling. We'll see how it works out.

But the pilot episode was available on demand, so we watched it last night.

I like it. A lot.

The lead character finds that she has her own personal sound track (complete with musical dance numbers) that pops up intermittently in her life following an accident while she's getting an MRI. (I suppose she could have been bitten by a radioactive iPod, but the former is probably more believable.)

Anyway, it's available on demand, it will be back in February, and -- if the spirit moves you -- I encourage you all to watch it so that it doesn't get canceled. :)


tv, music, home, musings

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