Last Day

Dec 31, 2018 16:08

We have arrived at the last day of the year. Things are off-plan just a bit, as Gretchen and Katie continue to recover from a bout of bronchitis which means that we will be staying in this year instead of going to a party at a friend's house. But better to get healthy.

In the meantime, I have started the third load of laundry. There will probably be more before I am done for the day.

The recording laptop is slowly downloading the Cubase Elements 10 upgrade which I have purchased just before year-end. :) And also a whole boatload of Windows updates since the last time that it was used. And I've kicked the battery drivers again so that the beast is charging properly. The necessity to periodically fight with the computer and Windows so that the battery will charge is one of the more annoying bits about the traveling recording laptop. But on the other hand, it is around eight years old (maybe more!) and is still doing its job, which is more than I can say for many bits of electronics that I purchased around that time.

And now it is time to pay the bills and do various other bits of maintenance around the house.

Happy New Year everyone!

filk, home, musings, tech

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