
Oct 09, 2012 23:44

Well, I found some more bits and pieces of the Windows Forms logic today and have greatly improved the situation with the ErrorProvider class by setting the AutoValidate flag for the form to EnableAllowFocusChange so that you can move around the form even though you've got a control that's currently been marked as invalid. If one of the other controls on the form lets you disable the invalid control, it's pretty much vital to do that. :)

Also, setting the AcceptButton and CancelButton for the form is really helpful.

I also worked over my homegrown Wizard Control so that it's correctly enabling and disabling the Back, Next, and Finish buttons, as well as setting the AcceptButton and CancelButton values for the parent form. And I fixed some places where I'd set up an incorrect Data Binding for combo boxes in the wizard that I'm writing.

It would have been nice to have a really good how-to book for this.


work, computers, microsoft, musings, tech

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