
May 14, 2008 09:13

Hey Hey mes amies =D

so i figured i havent written in here for AGES. and maybe i should do... and i thought maybe whilst i was waking up enough so that i could revise, maybe now would be a good time!!

Soooo uni is still all well and good - loving generally every minute of it - tho there are some bad bits, like i wrote a couple of Ljs ago... but hey i deal with it!!

I absolutely adore durham, i knew i would from the day i came to visit with mum on an open day. I love the river, and the woods, and the city and the buildings, the old ones and the new, i love walking down to lectures with an awesome view of the cathedral, i love my college, and their bunnies and ducks that are on the meadow and pond, i love just being able to go out for a walk and within 5 minutes get to some countryside, or at least some woods that make you completely feel like you're in the countryside.

But possibly most of all, i love the walk back from town, down along the river, where every single time i stop (if i'm in a rush i even make sure i leave town in time to have a stop) and sit on one of the benches on the river side and just sit and watch the world go by and think for a bit...

It was one of these river stops that was possibly the scariest moment of last term... i'll start from the beginning: 
I'd gone into town with Helen first thing in the morning for her weekly shop (she's in a self catered college and i just tag along to amuse myself) and she was shopping for a coat as well, so we were wandering around clothes shops, and were in BHS when i saw this skirt, and shock of my life, i actually liked it! so i debated buying it and decided not to be so stupid i'd never wear it... came back to college for lunch and decided that yes i did actually want this skirt, and so went back to buy it... on the way back from town, i stopped on my bench, and realised that everything i'd ever told myself i wasnt going to do, i was doing... wear skirts, turn into more of a girl, turn into my mother... it was all happening. And then i remembered the one thing i had seriously told myself i was never ever ever doing.and i'd told everyone else that too. i was NOT going to be a teacher. So i got thinking about what i was going to do (deep deep thoughts by the river i tell thee) and realised that the only thing i could ever see myself doing was being a teacher. As much fun as it would be to go out and research earthquakes, and volcanoes, i just dont think i'll ever be a good enough geologist for it - there are so many better than me and there always will be. but i can teach, and i know i can. Mr Felix said so, Mr Caddick said so, Grandma said so, Mum said so, i know i can teach.

So then i freaked out. good fun :)

i e-mailed mum, telling her not to laugh but i was thinking about teaching... and the reply i got? "LOL!" that was it. i got loled by my own mother! it was a traumatic experience.

And then i found a scheme that Durham and my college offer called the Student Ambassador Scheme, which involves going into schools half a day a week next year and helping teach, and i think in the end i end up teaching lessons myself... well anyway, it seemed really good and as a bonus, i'd get paid... so i sent off my application form yesterday (should have done it weeks ago but kept forgetting) and hopefully we'll hear back soon - interviews are first weekend in June - fun fun! i've put myself down for teaching Geography or Maths at secondary level, so we'll see how it goes!

And yeah... the rest of my life is just DUSAGG basically....

hope everyone is ok - i shall speak to you alll soon

Net Bob x
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