Apr 03, 2014 04:20
I recently deleted all of my LiveJournal entries, because the internet is forever, but my teenage rambling won't be. You aren't missing much; the majority of my entries boiled down to things like: "F**k AIM," "I'm really going to start writing here, I promise." I also waxed poetic about relationship problems, being bummed, and bands that I was obsessed with at the time. If you'd still like to see those things, you can follow me over to facebook, or tumblr, where I talk about similarly inconsequential BS. Or, if you're interested in what I'm doing career wise, look up my twitter. Most of my friends have moved on from LJ, but I still log in occasionally to check my feed and read ONTD.
Oh LiveJournal, you were the best and brightest of social media.