the "plan" is beginning

Jul 18, 2002 01:30

i got a job today doing construction. starting at 8 bucks an hour and raise in two weeks. they dont take out taxes so i will save all my gas receipts and tool receipts, clothes receipts, maybe my food receipts somehow..i can write all of this off at tax time. so even 8 bucks an hour without taxes is 320 bucks a week with 40 on saturdays for half a day to make extra 30 bucks...ok, so i start on monday building a house in camden. in the meantime, i will continue to see where i stand on employment with the golf course...if i could work there i would make 320 a week after would be more simple. and free golf is always really cool. free beer...hmmmm.
so anyway, i will begin construction on monday nonetheless.
rachel called my mom's house tonight. i wasnt home and i havent called her back yet. tomorrow i am cutting the grass here and at grandmas house. i need to clean my car and take the stickers off and try to sell it. 140,000 miles though...i wont get much. my moms little car just cant make it in the mountains. for a while maybe...actually, i was thinking if i did buy my moms car and took that to the mountains i could just keep it for traveling purposes, and eventually get something cheap and 4 wheel drive just to have to get around there. im thinking about going camping in cape hatteras for a couple of some fishing and grilling....hmmm john's got 4 wheel drive. campfires and mosquitos. i need a new tent. thats definitely on my list. i love watching the summer moon settle behind grandmas house, at a different time each night. im staying with derek beginning tomorrow. it will be nice to be in his company, and i know he's excited. however, i wont have good internet access because the computer over there is fucked up. but i will still visit moms house often to check email and write live journal. and make a few long distance phone calls. i miss earline and leigh ann. it made me so happy to hear you guys laughing with each other the other night when i was on the telephone, but it made me sad because i wasnt there laughing too. i love being here and going over to lauras house in afternoons. we get high and she always shows me cool movies and talks about cool stuff. i like it when michelle gets there after work, and she smiles and talks about the different people in her life. i hung out with mason today. we played tunes and watched baseball. i got some pot from shawn. shawn is pretty cool guy, and he hooked up my bag, so he is now even cooler. thanks michelle for giving me his number.
so i put my moms car to the test tonight on the way home. i put gas in it before i left town, so on the country roads i became a race car driver. i saw a few deer but i have my esp mental relationship stuff with the animals ( earline understands, laura might underdstand, have i told u?) i didnt hit anything. i took the speed ometer up to 110. it says i can go up to 130, but im thinkin that the engine will just cut off at about 120 or something. its cool because the car is so small i can take the corners very fast. faster than in my car even. not like my car is fast, but anyway. yeah, moms car kind of sucks. it has no real power coming from anywhere. it does look nice. it is reliable, which is most important. ok i have talked too much. i guess i will have a smoke and go to sleep. its so hot here. this construction shit will be tough
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