We're eliminating two participants this week. =\
misshapenmuse with -08 votes
pyro_monkey17with -06 votes
people's choice
mod's choice
darlingboneswith +05 votes
blue_emotion pyro_monkey17 will be making banners this week. :)
Let me know if you have any problems.
01: NONE
02: (-06)(+01) = -05
03: (-04)
04: (-01)
05: (-06)
06: (-01)(+01) = +00
07: (+05)
08: NONE
09: (-01)
10: (-03)
11: (+03)
12: (-03)(+01) = -02
13: (-09)(+01) = -08
14: (+01)
15: (-02)(+01) = -01
16: (+04)
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