Oct 24, 2005 13:31
ummmm hi :)
ohh buddy. I am worn out!! but it's cool because I have a lot of good thoughts cruising my brain right now :)
-i love my friends
-my mom is wonderful and got me voice lessons to prepare for my ncsa audition
-my boyfriend got me the same braclet that he broke like a couple months ago only it's pink instead of purple,,, and i thought that was just too cute. <3
-I love Inherit the Wind, even though some select few people that I won't mention but everyone gets irritated with bugs me, but i love the play and being able to really act. It's what I want to do with my life, no doubt.
-I got a 95 on my math quiz today :)
and that's the most of it!! haha pretty fabulous day I will have to say.
But it is getting cold, which means that depression will either start to kick in?? or i just might have a great winter... which really hasn't happened... um... EVER. haha soo we'll see about that one;)
but yeah- i just want all of my friends, like everysingleoneofyou to know how much you mean to me. jenny, mcgill, lamo, piss, wilson, robbie, raza, chris, megan, wesley, hannah, maleah, titty(I MISS YOU SO FUCKING MUCH), cameron, melissa, robbie, eric, tina-boo, skutt, sara, sarah, travis, everyone in drama, all of my old friends that i rarely get to see anymore, everyone i used to dance with, everyone i partied with this summer, all my friends in all of my classes, all my babies that left me and went to college (claire and jenna ladies i miss you hardcore), and FREAKING EVERYONE THAT'S BEEN IN MY LIFE AND MAKES ME HAPPY :) i love you all more than you could now, and seeing your face warms my heart :) hahah.
I mean,,, random, but true, and that just needed to come out <3
plus james :) i mean he's kind of in his own section... haha
Have a beautiful monday guys!! and make sure you set your clocks for that fall back thing on saturday ;)