I know it's mostly ghosts out there now, but I figured if anyone is reading this and would like to know what I've been working on, here it is:
http://bloodlettingbook.com It's a serialized vampire story, but not shitty one, I promise. It's not like, a bunch of emo fuckheads or teenage girls in seemingly abusive relationships with immortal assholes. It's also not an excuse for a bunch of action bullshit and generic horror garbage. There's no softcore porn wanking. It's actually fucking great and you'll like it. I promise. There are well defined characters and interesting moral problems. It's solid horror and a intriguing story. I say all that as both the writer and a fan. I'm totally a fan of my own shit. Because it's awesome. Read it. Seriously. Right now.
The whole story is serialized and broken down into short stories and novellas that can be read in pretty much any order, so you can start with the free ones.
http://bloodlettingbook.com/patricia/http://bloodlettingbook.com/book-21-victoria/book-2-5-devon/http://bloodlettingbook.com/4-0-bette/ There. Those are the free ones. Except on amazon where they make me charge .99 cents because Amazon eats all the dick. No excuses. Read it. Do it.
Here's the covers, because like, a picture is worth a thousand words or something.
Book 0: Patricia
Book 1.1: Charlie
Book 1.2: Charlie
Book 1.3: Charlie
Book 2.0: Devon
Book 3.1: Danny
Book 3.2: Danny
Book 4.1: Jack
Book 2.1: Victoria
Book 4.0: Bette
The Death Game
Look at those sick ass covers. I made all them shits in photoshop myself. If those are the most badass ebook covers you've ever seen, then... well... I disagree.
OH, yeah! And even though I'm not actually going to do anything with it... about, oh, I dunno, ten years ago? Twelve years ago? Someone scooped hardcorebilliam.com out from under me and I've never quite felt right since. It was a violation and it's always left me walking a little funny. WELL GUESS WHAT, FUCKERS
Back in daddy's arms! I'll probably just put the old Yahoo article up there and maybe an RIP splash-page or whatever. So FUCK YOU internet! HA! I WIN!
anyway, so to the four people or so who might see this, thank you for your time! And to the rest of Livejournal, WELKOM COMRADES!