The Continuing Livingston Medical Follies, and the Ominpresence of Billie Piper

Feb 08, 2007 22:46

Paula went to the a clinic in Huntsville yesterday for a medical procedure to remove varicose veins (as opposed to those rowdy bellicose veins) from the leg. A few years ago, this would have probably called for slicing open the leg, pulling the veins out, a multitude of stitchery and a couple days recuperation in the hospital. Instead, they gave her a valium and some local anesthetic, stuck a fiber optic tube down her leg, and zapped those little suckers with a laser (to quote the kid from Laserblast, "Ptew! Ptewptewpetw!"). They had her up and walking out the door immediately afterwards, and she had to walk for 20 minutes before she could sit in the car for the drive home.

As part of the followup, she has had to wear compression hose (which are like really really hellaciously really tight pantyhose) for the last 24 hours, and will have to wear them again for another 24. Plus, her leg aches. Plus, she has to go back for another treatment in a couple of weeks. Still, it will be worth it, because this is supposed to open up her veins and get her cirulation going.

So after the surgery, we were walking around the clinic area, and we went into the delivery area behind a nearby strip mall. We strolled by a small red car there, and in passing, I noticed that it had a personalized license plate, one that caught my eye.

It read BADWOLF.

Wow, Rose thought of everything!


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