Depp, Johnny
Caucasian Male
Dark Hair / Brown eyes 185lb
DL: clean
CCH: Only juvie files, looks like
Fingerprints on file: yes
SS: contributes
IRS: nothing outstanding
DBY seems to be cleanly in the black, good record with BBB, on track with IRS and EEOC, no complaints. Note: bank records, tax documentation, check resd. status of employees.
Interesting bloke. I'm curious as to his juvenile record, but not curious enough to actually attempt a hack that database. Too much effort for too little gain; and I'm betting it's petty shite anyhow.
So, overall I'd say he is living in his own little world, Johnny-Wood, and that's not necessarily a bad place to be. He's happy, laid back (pharmaceutically aided?), kind, intelligent (in a funny sort of passive-aggressive way), and just a good guy. Everybody likes him.
Weirdly patriarchal in some instances, like a benign pseudo-god in his own little realm. Interesting relationships with his employees, all of which I'm betting he'd consider his friends (if not his children, in some cases), including me, in spite of the brevity of our acquaintance. Madly in love with Bloom.
I know, it's at odds with the intelligent bit, but there you are. Love is not blind (and that's a good thing, in Bloom's case), but is, in fact, abysmally stupid.
Trusts everyone. So much so that I'd term in a neurosis verging on delusional (note: aspect of psychosis, check PJM for classification?). Uncalculated and utterly optimistic, without a mean bone in his body. Not a suspect. Give Depp a gun, and I'm guessing he'd handle it like he'd handle a poisonous snake, and he'd look at you with this "why in the world are you giving me this?" look on his face the whole time. Not like he doesn’t actually know what it's for, but more like he can't actually comprehend why he might need one. Must be nice to live in his world. On the other hand, I bet this guy gets the shaft more often than he deserves. Too many fuckwits in the world are just looking for guys like Depp to take advantage of (myself included). Johnny may as well have the word "mark" tattooed on his forehead, poor bastard.
Has, as far as I can tell, no activation threshold. I've never seen him angry, and I've seen enough of him to have a hard time even imagining him angry.
Bloke is singular, I'll give him that. Not a suspect. Not even remotely. This is the kind of guy that nurses baby birds with broken wings back to health.
Like Astin. Broken things. Like Bloom. They're drawn to him, because he takes care of them. He's the quintessential caregiver, though I highly doubt it ever occurs to him to think of himself that way. Even Keira, who is probably the least "broken" of all of Johnny's close circle of intimates, looks to him as a sort of stand-in father figure. It's a bit more complicated than that, yeah, because Johnny is both utterly simple and deeply complex at the same time. I think he's one of those guys that recognizes what people need from him, and is able to give it without ever even pausing to consider the consequences of giving it. He gives Keira someone to look to, someone to admire that she can also interact with as a friend, and that's a really amazing thing for a girl her age. Yeah, I mean, heroes are all well and good, but you can't really interact with them, right. Or you can, but it destroys something. It burns away that "hero" status, makes them too human. Johnny is like a hero that, once you burn away that status, you can still love like a hero. Because the human bits of him are just as admirable as the hero crap.
I'm fucking rambling here, but the bloke is just weird.
I think he's sleeping with nearly everyone in his employ. Considering the job, I guess that's not really all that unusual (just a guess, not really enough of a database to speculate on that, not that that stops me, obviously). He's not sleeping with me and I'm willing to bet Astin (I wonder if Astin is capable of that level of intimacy, even with Johnny), but I think nearly everyone else (including the people I haven't actually met yet) either are currently occasionally occupying or have at some point occupied Johnny's bed. It's nothing for him. And by that, I don't mean that it means nothing, because I think it means a lot to him. I mean, merely, that he thinks nothing of giving that part of himself to people, if they want that. He doesn't keep anything in reserve. Everything that he has to offer (which is a lot, frankly), he offers to those he cares about.
I'd bet my fucking Sig I could knock on his door right now and tell him I wanted to shag, and he'd grin at me, hold the door open, and ask me if I want a beer, man?
Is that a kind of neurosis? Hard to say. Technically, I'm sure I could categorize it if I really wanted to, but the fact is, it works for him. If I'd read it in a textbook, I'd be all over the author to site sources, which I can't give because all of this is very subtextual with him. It's all in his manner and in his eyes and in his voice when he talks to you, it's never something concrete, and yet it's absolutely understood.
Categorically, he fits nowhere and everywhere. He doesn't have any of the easily identifiable signature neuroses that are prevalent in this culture (OCD, depression, anxiety, etc). In fact, if you look at him in terms of the PEN Model, he's your classic, balls to the wall Extravert, balanced on that perfect cusp of arousal at all times. He displays no common neurosis and no common psychosis (although, to be absolutely fair, I have to note here that his sincere and complete optimism in dealing with people is classifiable as delusory -- in the interest of fairness, however, it must be also noted that my observations of his social interactions and even his business interactions have been extremely limited up to this point, ie: I have absolutely no observations of Johnny dealing with those not in his actual employ, and thus cannot truly make judgments on how he deals with people outside of this oddly familial patriarchy he's got going on in this joint).
If you subscribe to the Interpersonal Circumplex school of thought, Johnny is a master of manipulation (in order to actually be so, one has to be totally unaware one is doing any manipulating whatsoever). He invites reciprocity in everything he does, and creates the first actual reinforcing system working on the friendly/social/trusting side of the circle that I have ever personally witnessed.