Dolorous Lamentations and Plaintive Wailings

Aug 30, 2005 14:10

A great opportunity was lost yesterday, and I will probably kick myself for at least a week because of it.

Someone tossed out a large felt painting of a matador doing the red cape thing to a raging bull. It looked pristine, and I actually stopped on my way to work to ponder getting it. It was just up the road from my apartment, and wouldn't have taken me 5 minutes to snag it and return on my way to work. But I was already about to be late by 2-3 minutes, so no, alas, I fear responsibility took my soul and yanked me away, and when I returned in the late eve, the painting was gone! I wept bitterly, I sobbed painfully, I gasped and gnashed teeth. Oh, BROKEN HEART! MY CHANCE FOR SIEZING BEAUTY AND MAKING IT MINE OWN... LOST! *gasp!* *wheeze!*

Really, the stark cliche and the relatively nice work might have been tongue-in-cheek tasteful had I gotten it... or it might not have.

wierd, klepto, art

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